Our recent redesign simplifies the data transfer experience by combining raw and modelled data sources into a single object - data feeds. We’re gradually releasing this new feature to our customers.
If you see Data Feeds in the left navigation sidebar, you're in the right place. If not, go here.
You can share data feeds with individual users or groups within your organization, enabling others to view the data feeds (when granted “can view” access) or view, share, and edit the data feeds (when granted “can edit” access).
This article includes:
- A few notes on sharing data feeds
- How to share a data feed
- How to modify access to a shared data feed
- Notes on sharing permissions and access
A few notes on sharing data feeds
Here are a few things to note about sharing data feeds:
Users need to be assigned to the PowerMetrics Editor role in order to view, share, or edit data feeds. Users with an Admin role can access and delete data feeds only. Users with a PowerMetrics Viewer or a PowerMetrics Contributor role have no access to data feeds. Learn about user role permissions.
When you share data feeds, note that you need to share associated metrics separately. They’re not automatically shared when you share their related data feeds. Learn about sharing metrics.
You can only grant your level of access or below. For example, if you have “Can view” access to a data feed, you cannot give “Can edit” access to someone else.
When you share a data feed, the recipient will get an email notification and the data feed will be added to their list of data feeds. Learn about email notifications for PowerMetrics.
Users can only share with groups of which they're a member.
To upgrade your sharing rights for a data feed from “can view” to “can edit”, we suggest you contact the owner (their name displays beside the data feed name in your data feed list). If the owner upgrades your access but you’re still unable to edit a data feed, it may be that your user role permissions don't allow you to "edit data feeds". Learn about user role permissions.
How do I share a data feed?
You can share a data feed from your list of data feeds or from an open data feed.
To share a data feed:
- In the left navigation sidebar, click Data Feeds to open your list of data feeds.
- To share from your list of data feeds, locate the data feed you want to share, then, click the 3-dot menu at the end of its row and select Share.
To share from an open data feed, locate the data feed you want to share, then click its name in the list to open it. Click the
Share button in the upper-right corner of the window.
- In the Share with your team dialog, enter either a user name or a group name with which you want to share the data feed. You can either type the user or group name or choose from an alphabetical list of recipients (accessed by clicking the drop-down arrow).
Note: If you're an Account Admin and enter the name or email of someone who's not currently a member of your account you can click "Do you want to invite a new user?" to invite them. Learn more about inviting users. - When you're done selecting users and groups, click Share.
- By default, users and groups are granted Can view rights. To modify this setting, under Data Feed, click the drop-down arrow beside the desired user or group and select Can edit.
- When you're finished sharing, close the window.
How do I modify access to a shared data feed?
After you share a data feed, you can view, modify, or remove the sharing rights you previously granted to others. You can modify sharing access from your list of data feeds or from an open data feed.
To modify access to a shared data feed:
- In the left navigation sidebar, click Data Feeds to open your list of data feeds.
- To modify access from your list of data feeds, locate the data feed you want to modify sharing rights for, then, click the 3-dot menu at the end of its row and select Share.
To modify access from an open data feed, locate the data feed you want to modify sharing rights for, then click its name in the list to open it. Click the
Share button in the upper-right corner of the window.
- On the Share with your team dialog, under Data Feed, click the drop-down arrow beside the desired user or group and click Can view or Can edit.
- To remove sharing access, click the Remove icon.
- When you're done modifying access, close the window.
Notes on sharing permissions and access
Your ability to share a data feed depends on:
- Your permissions, determined by the settings applied to your role. To share a data feed you must have the "Share data feeds" permission applied to your user role. This permission is automatically included for those with a PowerMetrics Editor role. Learn about user role permissions.
- Your access to the data feed. If you don’t have access, you won’t be able to share the data feed with others.
The recipient's access to the shared data feed depends on:
- The recipient's permissions, determined by the settings applied to their role. Regardless of the access level you’re granted by the sharer, you can only interact with a data feed according to the permissions applied to your user role. For example, as a user, if you’re assigned to the "PowerMetrics Viewer" set of role permissions and someone shares a data feed with you, you won't be able to interact with it because the permissions included with the “Viewer” role doesn’t allow you to access, view, share, or edit data feeds.
- The level of access granted by the sharer. For example, if a sharer gives you viewing access to a data feed and you have a set of permissions that allows editing, you will only be able to view and share the data feed.