Why can’t I see all my list options when setting up pre-built Klips and data sources?

When connecting your data to a pre-built Klip from the Klip Gallery or a pre-built data source, you may encounter drop-down lists that don’t show everything from the service you are connecting to. It could be a list of account names, a list of projects, or web properties - it varies from data source to data source. This typically happens because the account you are connecting to is very active and you have lots of different projects on the go, and the drop-down list cannot display everything.

This article will give you some tips on what to do if this happens either when adding Klips from the Klip Gallery or when creating a pre-built data source from the Service Connectors page.

This article will cover:

What to do if a drop-down menu in the Klip Gallery doesn’t show your information

Sometimes, during the flow of connecting your data to a pre-built Klip, drop-down menus don't display what you are looking for.

During this time, data sources are created, which are actually API queries. Each item in the drop down list(s) is represented by an ID number, which is used by the API query to know where to get data from in your account.

To get your Klip to show the right data, you can modify the data sources behind the pre-built Klip by finding the ID number of the exact page you want to get data from in the service itself, and inserting it into the query. Here's how:

  1. Add a Klip from the Klip Gallery.
  2. Click the Connect your Data banner.
  3. Complete the selection process (if you don't see your option in the list, select something else), and update the Klip on your dashboard.
  4. Click the 3-dot menu on the top-right corner of the Klip.
  5. Select About this Klip.
  6. At Uses Data Sources, right-click on the name of the data source and open it in a new tab (or one of the data sources - many pre-built Klips have multiple data sources).
  7. Click Reconfigure Connection.
  8. Authenticate your account.
  9. You are now on the Edit Data Source page.
  10. Edit the corresponding ID number in the query to match the specific page from which you want to get data.

Example: Missing options while adding a Harvest Klip

Let's say, when adding a Harvest Klip from the Klip Gallery, you don't see the project that you want to get data from in the drop-down menu. Go ahead and choose any other project and add the Klip to your dashboard.

To get started, you will need to find your Project ID in Harvest.

To find your Project ID:

  1. In a new tab, log into your Harvest account and find the project that you would like to track.
  2. Navigate up to the URL and copy the Project ID, and paste it somewhere accessible, like your notepad.

Back in Klips:

  1. After adding a Harvest Klip from the Klip Gallery to your dashboard, click the Connect your Data banner on the top-right corner of the Klip.
  2. Complete the selection process (if you don't see your option in the list, select something else), and update the Klip on your dashboard.
  3. Click the 3-dot menu on the top-right corner of the Klip.
  4. Select About this Klip.
  5. At Uses Data Sources, right-click on the name of one of the data sources and open it in a new tab (Harvest Klips from the Klip Gallery typically have more than one data source).
  6. Authenticate by entering your Harvest login credentials.
  7. You are now on the Edit Data Source page. Take a look at the query. Do you see an ID number in the query, for example https://your-domain.harvestapp.com/projects/1234567/entries.json? If you do, you will have to update 1234567 to match the Project ID of the Project for which you want to get data. If you don't see the Project ID in the query, then you don't need to edit that query. Go back and pick another data source.
  8. Replace the Project ID that is in the query with the Project ID you just copied from Harvest.

  9. Click Get data.
  10. Repeat these steps with the other data source(s) associated with your Harvest Klip.

Your Harvest Klip should now display data from the correct project.

What to do if a list doesn’t show your information while creating a new data source

When you are creating a new data source, some services allow you to select from drop-down menu lists. If you don't see the option you want in the list, you can modify the query directly to get the exact data you need. To do this, you will need to find your unique ID number for the service you are connecting to in Klips. To find your ID number, refer to the relevant data source article for that service. Once you have your ID number, you are ready to edit your query.

To edit your query:

  1. If you haven't already, find your data source on the Service Connectors page.
  2. Select a pre-built data source from the left section of the Choose a pre-built or custom connection page.
  3. Authenticate your account.
  4. You are now on the Configure your data source page in Klips. If you see drop-down menus and they are not displaying the information that you are looking for, complete the selections anyway.
  5. Click Switch to Custom Settings.

Note: The drop-down menus include a list of names (word/phrase). However, in the API query itself, it is actually a numeric value - an ID number associated with the account.

  1. Edit the ID number in the query to match the specific account page from which you want to get data.

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