What are the best practices for displaying Klip dashboards on a large screen?

This list offers a number of suggestions to adapt a dashboard for large screen display, taking into account key considerations such as component proportions and viewer distance.

Account: It is recommended to run a large screen display on an account that is not assigned the Admin role. If the account used to run the Klipfolio dashboard on a large screen display has the Admin role assigned, banner ads will be displayed on the large screen dashboard.

Platform: The Klipfolio dashboard must be run on a personal computer connected to a large screen display. A Smart TV or Raspberry Pi typically doesn't have sufficient memory and processing power to run a Klipfolio dashboard. As a result, we do not support Smart TV native browsers or Raspberry Pi. Go here for a list of supported browsers, operating systems, and devices.

Trim content: Typically, due to viewer distance, it is not possible to see as much detail on a TV as on a desktop. Trim content that does not clearly add to the overall information being displayed. If necessary, create another dashboard, and, in full screen mode, adjust your settings to automatically cycle between dashboards.

Adjust your browser zoom level: 150% to 175% is ideal for televisions with viewers within 20 feet of the TV.

Use suffixes on big numbers: Whenever users do not need to know a specific number, consider using a suffix. For example, display $34.2M instead of $34,231,342.23. This saves screen space and makes the display clearer, particularly on charts.

Use smaller gauges: Gauges were designed to be bigger than most other Klipfolio components. On a large screen, consider making them smaller if they consume a disproportionate amount of screen space.

Use Klip titles. Use Klip titles wherever possible to describe the content of a Klip as they scale well with browser zoom settings and also work on mobile devices.

Find clever ways to save space: Remove chart axis labels if they are implied or redundant. Put descriptions in legends. Shorten axis tick mark labels and drop them more frequently. Putting the tick labels on the diagonal may also help.

Make heights consistent: Where possible, size components in adjacent Klips such that the Klip heights are as close to the same height as possible. This works well with charts, images and tables.

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