How to build Value Pair components

The Value Pair component enables you to display data using two values: the primary and secondary value. This visualization type is Ideal for single KPIs, such as stock price or a ratio.

This component is similar to the Table component, and supports many of the same formats such as sparklines, images, hyperlinks, and indicators. Here is an example of this component:

This article includes:

Component Structure

Here is the structure of the Value Pair component.

Video demo on building a value pair custom Klip

Watch this video for a quick demonstration on how to build a value pair custom Klip. It uses sample data that’s included in your Klipfolio account so you can follow along.

Please note that after this video was filmed, we improved the method for adding a component and a data source to a custom Klip. After clicking Build a Custom Klip, you land in the Klip Editor where you select the Value Pair component and drag it into your Klip. Then you connect to your data by clicking +Add Data Source at the bottom of the Klip Editor window.

Applying indicators

Applying indicators to one or both the values in the Value Pair component can help provide context for the value being displayed. You can change the color of the value or assign an icon to the value using the Indicators panel.

To apply indicators

  1. Select the component to which you want to apply the indicators.
  2. Open the Indicators panel.
  3. Set up a predicate (eg: If x is greater than 1).
  4. Set up a reaction (eg: then change colour to green).
  5. Add multiple conditions to apply indicators for values in a variety of states.

Adding context with prefix and suffix fields

The prefix and suffix fields allow you to add context to the "raw" value without interfering with indicator conditions or formula elements. For instance, if you want to show a ratio, use the data panel to show the value (eg: 2.5), and the suffix field to demonstrate the value is part of a ratio by adding : 1 to the suffix field. Learn more about the Prefix and Suffix fields.

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