Klip Gallery: Sample Metrics

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Description Klip
Lead Funnel Sample
Turn those web visits into wins by monitoring your sales and marketing funnel. Funnels are useful for identifying lead traffic at each stage, conversion rates and potential problems. (Sample data)

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Qualified Lead to Win Conversion Rate
Reach your lead to win conversion rate target and compare it to the trend. (Sample data)

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Lead to Win Conversion by Month
Use a line chart to track your lead to win conversion rate over time. (Sample data)

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Lead Funnel
Understand the customer acquisition process from awareness to purchase. (Sample data)

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Retention and Expansion by Month
Monitor business retention and expansion on a month-to-month basis, and keep the pulse of your business in check. (Sample data)

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Monthly MRR Retention / Expansion Rate
Monitor the health of your business as it grows and retains customers, and at the same time, compare with the historical trend. (Sample data)

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Monthly Account Retention Rate
Reach your Monthly Account Retention Rate target and compare it to the trend. (Sample data)

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LTV to CAC Ratio
Ensure your marketing spend is optimized. Track the ratio between the lifetime value of a customer and the cost of acquiring that customer against the historical trend. (Sample data)

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Customer Lifetime Value
The longer customers stick with you, the more valuable they are. Monitor Customer Lifetime Value, and at the same time, compare with the historical trend. (Sample data)

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