Use Cloud Monitor as a data source


Data Source Type: REST/URL
Authentication: 2 Step Authentication
Sample Query:[auth_token]&start_date=2009-10-01
API Documentation: Cloud Monitor API documentation
Date Ranges: Klipfolio Date Ranges


Creating a data source using Cloud Monitor

To create a data source using Cloud Monitor data, you need to accomplish 4 tasks:


  • Start the data source creation process
  • Authenticate with Cloud Monitor
  • Craft a query and enter it in Klipfolio
  • Edit the query date ranges


Note: This guide assumes that you already have an active Cloud Monitor account.

Step 1: Start the data source creation process

To create a data source using Cloud Monitor, go to the Service Connectors page in Klipfolio and select the REST/URL connector option.

Step 2: Authenticate with Cloud Monitor

  1. Click the Authentication (OAuth, 2-Step, or Basic) link.
  2. Select the 2-Step Authentication option.
  3. Enter the appropriate information and credentials in the field below.

More information: Using 2-Step Authentication

Step 3: Craft a query and enter it in Klipfolio

Cloud Monitor provides many query options through its API documentation.

Use the following URL to generate a session key[username]&password=[password]

Enter your query URL in the URL field in the REST connector.[auth_token]&start_date=2009-10-01

Note: Replace username and password with your Cloud Monitor credentials.

Step 3: Edit the query date ranges

Many Klips that use Cloud Monitor data need a date range that is dynamic (for example, past 30 days). In this section we're going to change the query from a fixed range to a dynamic one.

  1. Enter start-date={date.last30Days} at the end of your query URL (after the ?).
  2. Enter &end-date={} at the end of your query URL (after the start-date parameter).
  3. Click Get data.
    Note: In addition to your unmodelled data source, you can create a modelled version of your data source at this stage. To create a modelled data source, ensure that the checkbox next to Model your data is selected before clicking Continue.
    To learn more about creating a modelled data source, click here.
  4. Click the Continue button once you verify you have retrieved the correct data.
  5. Save and name your data source.

Common date range expressions:

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