Klip Gallery: Facebook Ads

For more pre-built Klips, see the Klipfolio Integrations Page.

Add pre-built Klips and connect to your Facebook Ads data

Add pre-built Facebook Ads Klips to your dashboard and start tracking your Facebook advertising data!

To connect our Facebook Ads pre-built Klips to your own data, you'll need:

  • Your Facebook Ads login credentials
  • Your Facebook Ads Account and Campaign names

To add a Facebook Ads pre-built Klip to your dashboard:

Steps Screenshots
In an open dashboard, click + Add a Klip. In the Klip Gallery, select Facebook Ads.

Beside the Klip you want to add, click + Add to Dashboard. Click Done.

In the new Klip on your dashboard, click the Sample Data banner.

If this is your first time connecting to your Facebook Ads data, click Connect an account.

Enter your Facebook Ads login credentials.

Click Next Step.

Select your Facebook Ads Account and Campaign from the drop-down lists.

Click Update Klip. Click Finished.

If you've connected to Facebook Ads before, select your existing connection from the drop-down menu and click Next Step.

Select your Facebook Ads Account and Campaign from the drop-down lists.

Click Update Klip. Click Finished.

Managing your Facebook Ads connection

By default, your connection name looks like this: yourname@Facebook <date and time created>. You can modify the default connection name when you create a new connection or from your list of connections, accessed by clicking your Account Name (located at the bottom of the left navigation sidebar) and selecting Account > Connected Accounts or by clicking the button in the left navigation sidebar and selecting Connections.

You can use and reuse the same account connection every time you connect to Facebook Ads. If you have trouble accessing an existing connection, your OAuth token may have expired. If that happens to you, check out these troubleshooting tips.

About the Facebook Ads Campaign Performance Klip


Discover your Facebook Ads campaign performance and make sure your message is reaching the right audience. Track your conversion data against your monthly targets, and compare the predicted conversion rate to the previous period.

Where does the data come from?

This Klip uses data from active campaigns in your Facebook Ads account.

What time periods can I track?

Hone in on your data using the time period drop-down menu. Every time you choose a time period, the previous period will update accordingly. Let’s take a look at how the time period you choose compares to the previous period:

Time Period (Select One) Previous Period
Today Yesterday
Yesterday The day before yesterday
Last 7 Days Previous 7 days
This Week to date Same period last week
Last Week The week before last
This Month to date Same period last month
Last Month The month before last

About “Predicted”

The ‘Predicted’ metric is calculated to forecast where you will finish by the end of your chosen time period if you continue to perform at the current rate.

Klip Components

Gauge 1 - Spend: See how much you’ve spent on your Facebook Ads campaign against your budget.

Gauge 2 - Conversion: Track the number of conversions. Enter a monthly target that is a benchmark for your team.

Gauge 3 - Cost per Conversion: Track your cost per conversion. It’s calculated by dividing your spend by your conversions. Use your monthly target as a benchmark.

Conversion Trend: Bring your gauges to life with a trend line so that you can easily identify issues and opportunities. This bar/line chart compares your daily conversions and cost per conversion during your chosen time period.

About the coloured indicators in the gauges

The gauges in your Klip display coloured indicators to show how well your campaigns are performing against your monthly targets and budget. Here’s what the colours mean on the Conversions gauge:

Red Blue Green
Your gauge is red if your data is threatening to miss your monthly target by more than 10%. Your gauge is within 10% of your monthly target. Green means your data is on track to surpass your monthly target.


The Spend and Cost per Conversion gauges are the opposite colour sequence. They start out green and eventually turn red, because the less you spend, the better!

About Targets

If you didn't enter a Cost Per Conversion target on your Klip, it is calculated as:
Budget ÷ Conversion Target= Cost Per Conversion Target

If you didn't enter a Monthly Budget on your Klip, it is calculated as:
Daily Facebook Ads Budget × the number of days in a month

Learn more

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