Use ShoreTel Sky as a data source

Klipfolio enables you to connect to ShoreTel Sky to create data sources and use that data to build Klips. ShoreTel Sky is a REST/URL that requires Basic HTTP Authentication.

Important: Please refer to the ShoreTel Sky documentation for information on retrieving data using an API.

To create a data source using ShoreTel Sky

Note: These procedures only provide the steps required to plug the API into Klipfolio to create a new data source. Please refer to the ShoreTel Sky documentation for more information on retrieving data using an API.

  1. Click Data Sources in the left navigation bar.

If you don’t see the above option, go to the bottom of the left navigation sidebar and click your Account Name > Data Sources instead.

  1. Click on the Create a New Data Source button.
  2. Select the REST/URL connector option.
  3. Select the Basic HTTP Authentication option.
  4. Enter your ShoreTel Sky Username and Password.
  5. Enter your ShoreTel Sky API into the URL field.
    Note: Refer to the ShoreTel Sky documentation for instructions on how to retrieve your API.
  6. Click Get data.
  7. Ensure this is the data you’re looking for. If you’re using Klips, optionally select the checkbox to Model your data. If you’re using PowerMetrics, which requires modelled data sources, you’ll automatically enter the modeller after clicking Continue. Learn more about modelling data sources.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Name, choose refresh settings, and, optionally, share your data source.
  10. Click Save.
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