PowerMetrics: Contacting Support

Before you contact our Support Team, browse our Knowledge Base for information and tips. If you can't find what you're looking for, check for an answer in our PowerMetrics Community. Answering the following questions before contacting Support will help us resolve your issue more efficiently.

Are you using a supported web-browser?

Verify that you are using a supported web-browser.

What does Support need from you?

To help us help you, grant Klipfolio Support access to your account. Record the affected dashboard, metric, data source, or data feed name.

Note: When reporting an issue with a metric, you must provide both the name of the metric and the name of the modelled data source or data feed that was used to create it.

Gather web browser error messages by enabling your web browser's console and taking a screenshot of the generated output. If any links exist within the Console or Network tabs, click each link, and send us the generated output.

  • For Chrome: Ctrl+Shift+J, or right-click anywhere on the dashboard, select Inspect, and select the Console tab.
  • For Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl+Shift+K, or right-click anywhere on the dashboard, select Inspect Element, and select the Console tab.

If you encounter an error message and need to contact us for help, please include the following:

  • A copy of the actual error code (see above).
  • A screenshot of the error message.
  • An explanation of what you were doing when the message displayed.

How do I contact Support?

If you still can't find the answer, don't hesitate to contact a member of our Support Team by sending an email to support@klipfolio.com.  Remember to attach any console error messages and to provide as much as information as possible so we can help you resolve the issue.

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