You can share an individual metric or a group of metrics on a dashboard.
When you share a metric or a dashboard with an individual in your account, an email notification is automatically sent to the recipient. Learn more about email notifications.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when sharing:
- When granting sharing access, you can only grant your level of access or less. For example, if you have “Can view” access to a metric, you cannot give “Can edit” access to someone else.
- If you share a dashboard and later add metrics to it, you must reshare the dashboard to give recipients access to the newly added metrics.
- When sharing a dashboard, any metrics for which you don't have sharing rights are indicated with a "lock" symbol.
- Admin users do not automatically receive editing access to metrics and metric dashboards. However, to help manage assets in the account, Admins can delete dashboards from the dashboard list page, accessed by clicking "Dashboards" in the left navigation sidebar.
- All users, including those with the Admin role, can only share with groups of which they're a member.
- You can share a read-only view of a dashboard, internally or externally, and give public or passcode access to it. Learn about published views.
- Our live embedding feature enables you to share a metric externally as a dynamic visualization in a website or custom data app. Learn about live embedding.
This article contains the following sections:
- Sharing metrics
- Sharing dashboards
- Modifying access to shared metrics and dashboards
- Notes on sharing permissions and access
Sharing metrics
You can share metrics with individual users or groups within your organization.
When you share a metric and grant the recipient "Can view” access, they can share it with others and explore it, trying out different visualization types, applying different filters, etc. However, they cannot change the underlying data in the metric. Any changes they make while exploring are only reflected in their version of the metric. Your original metric is not affected. To enable others to make changes to the original metric, you must grant them "Can edit" access.
You can share metrics you created or those that were shared with you. To give “can edit” access to others, you must have edit access to the metric.
When sharing metrics based on data feeds, if you want to give the recipient edit access to the underlying data feed, you must share it separately. Learn how to share data feeds.
When sharing direct to warehouse and semantic layer metrics, if you want to give the recipient edit access to the metric’s data settings, you must also share the account connection that was used to create the metric. Learn how to share an account connection for Snowflake, Google BigQuery, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, Microsoft Azure SQL, Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics, Databricks, PostgreSQL, Maria DB, Cube and dbt Semantic Layer metrics.
Note: To see metrics that are shared with you, click Metrics in the left navigation sidebar to open your list of metrics. Then, select Shared with me from the drop-down list (see below).
Account Admins can also access the option "Not shared with me" to display a list of the metrics in the account that haven’t been shared with them. This enables the Account Admin to manage these metrics, for example, to delete metrics for a user who’s left the company.
To share one (or more) metrics:
- To share one (or more) metrics:
From an open metric: Click the
Share button in the upper-right corner of the window.
From your list of metrics: In the left navigation sidebar, click Metrics. Select one or more metrics from the list, then click the
Share button in the upper-left corner. (See below.)
From an open metric: Click the
- In the Share with your team dialog, enter either a user name or a group name with which you want to share the metric(s). You can either type the user or group name or choose from an alphabetical list of recipients (accessed by clicking the drop-down arrow).
Note: If you're an Account Admin and enter the name or email of someone who's not currently a member of your account you can click "Do you want to invite a new user?" to invite them. Learn more about inviting users. - When sharing, Can view permission is assigned by default. By selecting the drop-down arrow, you can, optionally, assign Can edit permission instead. (See below.)
Note: If you’re sharing with more than one user or group, they’ll all receive the same access level (either “can view” or “can edit”). If you want to grant unique permissions to a user or group, you can modify their access later.
Note: When sharing multiple metrics, you may see users or groups with “Varied” access to the metrics being shared. See the example below, where the “All Users” group has “Varied” access. Clicking the drop-down arrow indicates this group currently has “Can view” access to 1 of the 3 metrics. The other 2 metrics haven’t been shared with this group. - When you're done selecting users and groups and assigning access permissions, click Share.
Sharing dashboards
You can share dashboards with individual users or groups within your organization. To share a dashboard, it must be one that you created or one that was shared with you. To give “can edit” access to others, you must have edit access to the dashboard.
You can share either from an open dashboard or from your list of dashboards.
Note: When sharing dashboards with your team, you may notice the UI for sharing dashboards with published views. Go here if you want to learn more about published views.
To share a dashboard:
- To share a dashboard:
From an open dashboard: Click the
Share button in the upper-right corner of the window.
- From your list of dashboards: In the left navigation sidebar, click Dashboards. Then, click the 3-dot menu for the dashboard and click Share.
From an open dashboard: Click the
- In the Share with your team dialog, enter either a user name or a group name with which you want to share the dashboard. You can either type the user or group name or choose from an alphabetical list of recipients (accessed by clicking the drop-down arrow).
Note: If you're an Account Admin and enter the name or email of someone who's not currently a member of your account you can click "Do you want to invite a new user?" to invite them. Learn more about inviting users. - When you're done selecting users and groups, click Share.
- By default, users and groups are granted Can view rights. To modify this setting, under Dashboard and Metrics, click the drop-down arrow beside the desired user or group and select Can edit.
- When you're finished sharing, close the window.
Modifying access to shared metrics and dashboards
After you share a metric or dashboard, you can view, modify, or remove the sharing rights you previously granted to others.
To modify access to a shared metric:
- In an open metric, click the
Share button in the upper-right corner of the window.
- On the Share with your team dialog, under Metrics, click the drop-down arrow beside the desired user or group and click Can view or Can edit.
- To remove sharing access, click the
Remove icon.
- When you're done modifying access, close the window.
Note: If you see the Varied access icon, this means there's mixed access to the assets. For example, a user could be the owner of some assets but only have view access to the rest. Remember - you can only grant sharing access that aligns with your access level or below.
To modify access to a shared dashboard:
- In an open dashboard, click the
Share button in the upper-right corner of the window.
- On the Share with your team dialog, under Dashboard and Metrics, click the drop-down arrow beside the desired user or group and click Can view or Can edit.
- To remove sharing access, click the
Remove icon.
Note: If you click the Remove icon when modifying access to a dashboard, you are removing access to the dashboard. Its metrics will retain their previous sharing settings. - When you're done modifying access, close the window.
Note: if you see the Varied access icon, this means there's mixed access to the assets. For example, a recipient could have “Can view” access to one of the metrics on the dashboard and “Can edit” access to the rest of the metrics. Remember - you can only grant sharing access that aligns with your access level or below.
Notes on sharing permissions and access
You can request access to a metric from its owner. To see the owner, click the 3-dot menu for an open metric or in an individual metric on a dashboard (when in View mode), and select About.
Your ability to share a metric or dashboard depends on:
- Your permissions, determined by the settings selected for your role. To share a metric you must have the "Share metrics" permission associated to your user role. To share a dashboard, you must have the “Share PowerMetrics dashboards” permission associated to your user role. Learn more about user role permissions.
- Your access to the metric. If you do not have access, you will not be able to share the metric with others.
The recipient's access to the shared metric depends on:
- The recipient's permissions, determined by the settings selected for their role. Regardless of the access level you are granted by the sharer, you can only interact with a metric according to the permissions associated with your role. For example, as a user, if you are assigned to the default "PowerMetrics Viewer" set of role permissions and someone shares an asset with you that gives you editing rights, you won't be able to edit the asset because your role permissions don't allow editing.
- The level of access granted by the sharer. For example, if a sharer gives you viewing access to a metric and you have a set of permissions that allows editing, you will only be able to view and share the metric.