- Where can I find details for my PowerMetrics plan?
- How can I get more of the resources I use the most without upgrading my plan?
- Is there a limit on the number of rows of data I can ingest/hour?
- What are Viewer, Editor, and Contributor users?
- How do I reduce editor users?
- What is a data service?
- What happens when I reach my maximum data services?
- What is meant by "stored data history" and "date range window"?
- How often does my data get updated?
- My needs have changed. How do I upgrade or downgrade my plan?
- How do I update my account information?
- Where can I find more information on payment?
- How do I cancel my PowerMetrics account?
- How do I delete my company account?
1. Where can I find details for my PowerMetrics plan?
To see details for all of our PowerMetrics pricing plans click the button in the left navigation sidebar and select Plan. To see which plan you’re currently on, look for the one that says YOUR PLAN.
2. How can I get more of the resources I use the most without upgrading my plan?
We believe you should only pay for what you need. That’s why our paid plans offer Add-Ons for our most popular resources. You can see details for all of our options on your Plans page (accessed by clicking the button in the left navigation sidebar and selecting Plan). Note: You need to select a paid plan to see our add-on options.
3. Is there a limit on the number of rows of data I can ingest/hour?
Yes. To respect fair use limits and enable optimum performance for all customers, we limit the number of rows of data that can be ingested per hour, per account. If you see this error message: “You have reached/exceeded the maximum data ingestion limit for your account”, go to this article for more information.
4. What are Viewer, Editor, and Contributor users?
When you add a user to your account they are automatically given the PowerMetrics Viewer role. This role enables them to view and share metrics and metric dashboards. If you want a user to be able to edit and create assets, assign them to the PowerMetrics Editor role. If you want a user to be able to view and share metrics and view, create, edit, share, and delete metric dashboards, assign them to the PowerMetrics Contributor role. Learn more about roles and permissions.
5. How do I reduce editor users?
Depending on your plan, you may have a limit on the number of editor users allowed in your account. If you’ve reached the maximum number of editor users for your plan but don’t wish to upgrade your plan or purchase the Editor User Top-Up right now, you can reduce the number of editor users by removing the editor role from your users who don’t require that set of permissions. You manage users, roles, and permissions in the Account admin page.
To reduce editor users:
- Click the button in the left navigation sidebar and select Account. Then, on the left, click Roles.
- Select the PowerMetrics Editor role.
- Click Users to see a list of users that have been assigned to the editor role.
- Click Add or Remove Users.
- In the With Role box, select users for which you want to remove the editor role. After selecting them, click the left-pointing arrow to move them to the Without Role box.
- Click Save.
6. What is a data service?
Your data comes from data services. These include applications like Google Analytics and Facebook but also local files, files that are stored or shared in the cloud, and files that are accessed from FTP, SFTP, and SQL databases. The number of data services you can access may be limited depending on your pricing plan.
7. What happens when I reach my maximum data services?
Depending on your plan, you may have a limit on the number of data services you can access. If you see a message like this when adding metrics, you’ve reached your maximum number of data services:
You can continue adding metrics for the data services you've connected to so far. If you want access to more data services, you can click Upgrade (to move to a more comprehensive plan) or, if you're on a paid plan, contact us at success@klipfolio.com to purchase the Additional Data Services Top-Up. You can alternatively reduce the number of data services you're currently using.
For data feed users: To reduce the number of data services you’re using, you need to remove their associated data feeds. For example, if you want to remove connections to your LinkedIn Ads data service, go to your data feed list page (accessed from the left navigation sidebar, by clicking Data Feeds). Select all LinkedIn Ads data feeds from the list and click Delete. Note: Metrics that used the deleted data service will stop updating.
For data source users: To reduce the number of data services you’re using, you need to remove their associated data sources. For example, if you want to remove connections to your LinkedIn Ads data service, go to your data source list page (accessed from the left navigation sidebar, by clicking your Account Name > Data Sources). Select all LinkedIn Ads data sources from the list and click Delete. Note: Metrics that used the deleted data service will stop updating.
8. What is meant by "stored data history" and "date range window"?
All PowerMetrics plans include stored data history. We can store up to 10 years’ worth of data history. So, even if your data is no longer available from a service, you’ll be able to continue to analyze it in PowerMetrics. Note that sometimes metrics start with only a day’s worth of data (depending on the service). Rest assured, that as your data accumulates over time and your metrics grow, we’ll continue to collect and store it for you.
Regardless of which plan you’re on, we continue to collect data history for you. So, if you decide to upgrade, you’ll get immediate access to your accumulated history.
The date range window determines how much of your stored data history you can see at a time in your metrics and dashboards. For example, if your plan includes a date range window of up to 2 months of data, you’ll be able to see up to 62 days of data at a time in your metric visualizations. If you're looking for a longer date range, you can upgrade your plan or, if you're on a paid plan, contact us at success@klipfolio.com to purchase the Date Range Window + Top-Up (extends your date range window by 1-year increments).
Note: Pricing plan date range restrictions don’t apply to direct to warehouse, semantic layer, or dbt Semantic Layer metrics.
9. How often does my data get updated?
Depending on your plan, your data is refreshed (updated) at set intervals (as often as every 15 minutes - depending on your plan). The refresh interval rate may vary depending on the volume of your data and its complexity.
For direct to warehouse, semantic layer, and dbt Semantic Layer metrics, data is updated in PowerMetrics to align with the source data automatically via a webhook, or by using a cache expiry strategy, or manually on an as-needed basis.
10. My needs have changed. How do I upgrade or downgrade my plan?
To change plans, click the button in the left navigation sidebar and select Plan. To upgrade your plan, on the Plan page, click SELECT PLAN for the plan you want to switch to, and click UPDATE. If you want to downgrade your plan, either click SELECT PLAN or REDUCE USAGE.
If you switch to a lower-priced plan, you may need to reduce the number of assets, for example, the number of users, metrics, or data services. If your plan includes limits on the allowable number of PowerMetrics Editor users, we recommend reducing usage by removing the editor role for each relevant user. Before removing their editor role, ask them to share their assets (for example, their metrics) with another PowerMetrics Editor user and grant them full editing access.
11. How do I update my account information?
To update your account information, for example, your email address or company name, click the button in the left navigation sidebar and select Account > Company Info. Edit your information as needed.
12. Where can I find more information on payment?
For answers to your payment questions, go here.
13. How do I cancel my PowerMetrics account?
Instead of cancelling, we offer you the option to change to our free plan. Click the button in the left navigation sidebar and select Plan. Click SELECT PLAN for our Free PowerMetrics plan.
If you change to our free plan, you may need to reduce your assets, for example, the number of users, metrics, or data services. If your plan includes limits on the allowable number of PowerMetrics Editor users, we recommend reducing usage by removing the editor role for each relevant user. Before removing their editor role, ask them to share their assets (for example, their metrics) with another PowerMetrics Editor user and grant them full editing access.
14. How do I delete my company account?
Note: Deleting your company account is permanent and irreversible. See Deleting your company account for more information.
To delete your company account, click the button in the left navigation sidebar and select Account > Company Info. Scroll to the bottom of the page and, under Delete Company Account, click Delete company account.