PowerMetrics: Setting the time zone

The time zone that's applied by default to all of your metrics and dashboards is an account-wide setting that's configured by your account Administrator. The default time zone setting for PowerMetrics is GMT, however, you can change it to suit your geographical location.

This article includes:

Changing the account-wide time zone setting

This setting can only be changed by users with the Account Administrator role.

To change the account-wide time zone setting:

  1. Click the account and settings button in the left navigation sidebar and select Settings.
  2. Select General from the menu on the left.
  3. At Time Zone, click Edit.
    editing time zone setting
  4. Select the desired time zone from the drop-down list.
    Note: When setting your default time zone, you can alternatively click Use Browser Time Zone to use the current time zone of your browser. However, if the browser time zone changes, the account level setting will not be updated accordingly.
  5. Click Save.

Applying custom time zone settings

If you don't want to use the default time zone for any (or all) of your metrics or dashboards or for your list of metrics, you can apply custom time zone settings for those individual assets. You don't have to be an account admin to do so.

To apply custom time zone settings:

  1. Click the date range for the metric, dashboard, or metric list.
    date range example
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the date range options and click Time zone settings.
    custom time zone setting
  3. Select the desired custom time zone from the drop-down list and click Apply.
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