Error message: Reached/exceeded maximum data ingestions


PowerMetrics gives you access to different metric types, depending on your account version and pricing plan. For example, with newer plans you can build metrics based on data from data feeds or data that’s stored in a data warehouse or semantic layer. Older plans support building metrics based on data sources only.
If you see Data Feeds in the left navigation sidebar, you’ll learn how to deal with the “reached/exceeded maximum data ingestion” error messages in this article. If not, go here.


Are you seeing either of these error messages?

maximum data ingestion limit message

hourly ingestion limit exceeded message

This article explains why these messages display and what you can do about it.

Why am I seeing this error message?

You'll see one of these messages if your data feed includes a LOT of rows. To respect fair use limits and enable optimum performance for all customers, we limit the number of rows of data that can be ingested per hour, per account. This limit is applied during metric creation, when metrics are refreshed and new data is ingested, and when you choose to delete and re-import data for a metric. If you see either of these error messages, it means you have reached or exceeded your hourly data ingestion limit.

Where can I view my data ingestion usage and limits?

You can view current data ingestion information for your account either by clicking “See your ingestion limit” in the error message (as shown above) or by clicking the Usage button in the side nav (as shown below).

usage button

What can I do to fit within the limit?

When creating data feeds for custom metrics, we strongly recommend adding a date column. This is especially true for larger data feeds. Learn more about creating custom metrics.

If the data feed doesn’t include a date column, we need to ingest the entire feed when a metric is created (and on every refresh) which may cause you to hit the maximum ingestion limit.

If the data feed includes a date column, we group the rows in the data feed into daily buckets using the selected time dimension and count the number of rows in each daily bucket. The daily ingestion value for the custom metric is calculated using the single, highest row count of all the daily buckets, instead of a total of ALL the rows. This significantly reduces the data being ingested and makes it less likely you'll exceed the maximum limit.

To fit within the data ingestion limit, try:

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