Metric types, and editing options, depend on your PowerMetrics account version.
If you see Data Feeds in the left navigation sidebar, you’ll learn how to edit metrics in this article. If not, go here.
This article describes how to edit visualizations on a metric homepage and on a dashboard. Go here to learn about viewing and personalizing your metric visualizations.
This article includes:
- Editing metrics and visualizations on a metric homepage
- Editing data feed metrics
- Editing instant data feed metrics
- Deleting stored historical data
- Editing data warehouse metrics
- Editing Cube semantic layer metrics
- Editing dbt™ Semantic Layer metrics
- Editing calculated metrics
- Editing metric visualizations on a dashboard
Note: You can only edit a metric if you created it or you've been granted shared access to it with editing permission.
Editing metrics and visualizations on a metric homepage
With a metric open on its homepage, you can edit the underlying data in the metric or edit the default display properties of the metric visualizations.
The editing options available to you depend on whether it’s a data feed metric, an instant data feed metric, a data warehouse metric, a Cube semantic layer metric, a dbt Semantic Layer metric, or a calculated metric.
Editing data feed metrics
Data feed metrics are metrics created by you using data feeds. When editing a data feed metric, you have the option to:
- Delete and replace stored historical data. (See "Deleting stored historical data" for more details.)
- View and edit the details for the associated data feed. (With the data feed in edit mode, you can change the metric’s refresh rate and change the account you’re currently connected to).
- Change the data source for the metric, either to a different data feed or a different type of data source.
- Edit filters for columns in the associated data feed.
- Change the value you want to measure.
- Choose different dimensions by which to segment and/or filter your data.
- Choose how dimensions are applied (as filters, or segments, or both, or neither).
- Change a dimension's display name.
- Choose a different date column from the data feed or use the data feed refresh time.
- Choose an alternate method for date handling (the method to use when calculating the total metric value for a date range).
- Choose a different data type format, including numeric, currency, duration, or percentage (percentage only applies to the summary chart type).
- Select the number of decimals to display (only available when the data type format is "Numeric").
- Select a currency display format (only available when the data type format is “Currency”).
- Adjust the duration granularity (only available when the data type format is "Duration").
- Change the favourable trend settings.
- Change the aggregation method.
- Disable or enable the ability to override the default aggregation method.
- Rename the metric or change its description.
- Change the metric's service icon.
- Certify (or remove certification for) the metric.
Note: As you edit your data feed metric, you can click the button, located beside “Measure”, “Date and Time”, and “Date handling”. This opens a guide for each setting that helps you decide which options to choose. As you make choices, you’ll see the result in the metric preview window on the left.
Note: When editing, if you change the measure or the date and time selection you'll be prompted to “Delete and replace stored historical data”. This action irreversibly deletes stored historical data for the metric and replaces it with different data from the associated data feed. Accumulated history for the metric is deleted and historical collection begins again as of the date of deletion and replacement.
To edit a data feed metric:
- Click Metrics in the left navigation sidebar.
- In your list of metrics, select a data feed metric. The metric homepage opens in view mode.
- Click the Edit button at the top of the page, as shown below.
- Click the Data tab.
Note: Beside Data source, the 3-dot menu (as shown below) gives you access to the following options: Delete and replace stored historical data, open the data feed in a new tab, and change the data source. -
To change the metric’s refresh rate or to connect to data using a different account, click the tile under Data source (as shown below) to open the data feed.
- Click the Edit button in the open data feed.
- To change the refresh rate, under Queue for refresh, select a different refresh rate from the dropdown list and click Save data feed.
To change the account connection, click the tile under Data service. (See below.)
Note: If you choose to connect to and get data from a different account, you may need to delete stored historical data and re-download. Also, other metrics that use the previous account connection may be affected if you switch accounts. - In the query builder, click the account in the upper right corner. (See below.)
- Click Change. Then, go through the steps of connecting to a new or existing, different account.
- Click Use account.
- In the query builder, click Preview data, then, click Apply.
- Click Save data feed.
To change the metric’s data source, beside Data source, click the 3-dot menu and select Change data source. From the submenu, select either Select a data feed (to change to a different or new data feed) or See all services (to change to a different data source type, for example, a data warehouse or semantic layer). (See below.)
Learn more about changing a metric's data source. - Under Data source, click Filter source data to include or exclude members for columns in the data feed. Excluded members will not display or be available as dimensions in the saved metric visualization. Note: If the metric already includes filters, click the text beside “Includes” to view and edit them.
You can filter by member or by condition. By default, the first time you apply filters to a metric, you’ll see the UI for member filtering. To filter by condition, click the “Condition filters” link. Note: You can apply up to 10 filter conditions/dimension. - Change the Measure.
After clicking Save, you will be prompted to click Delete and replace data. See "Deleting stored historical data" for more details. - Under Dimensions:
- Select different columns (dimensions) by which to segment and filter your data.
- Change how dimensions are used (for filtering, or segmentation, or both, or neither). To modify this setting, click the text beside the dimension name (depending on current settings, this may be All, Filter, Segment, or None) and select or deselect checkboxes as desired.
- Change a dimension’s name by selecting the current name and typing a new one. This changes the display name only (not the name of the dimension in the data feed). If you change the display name and want to see the one that’s being used in the data feed, hover over the dimension’s name.
Note: If you change a name for a dimension that’s also being used by other metric visualizations, associated filters and segmentations will be removed from those visualizations and need to be reapplied.
- Under Date and Time, select an alternate setting. You can either choose a date column from your data feed or, if you disable the Data feed contains historical data toggle, you can use the date and time the data feed is refreshed.
After clicking Save, you will be prompted to click Delete and replace data. See "Deleting stored historical data" for more details. - Click the Settings tab.
- Under Date handling, select an alternate method for calculating the total metric value for a date range. Select from Use all values or Use most recent values only > as of right now or as of each day, week, month, or year.
- Under Format, choose a different data type. Choices include Numeric, Currency, Duration, and Percentage.
- If you chose Numeric, under Decimal places, select the number of decimals to display (from 0 - 9). The Auto setting displays up to 4 decimal places and drops trailing zeros. Note: If you’ve changed the decimal place setting for a metric and want to see the source data values with their original decimal places, edit the metric and select Auto.
- If you chose Currency, optionally select a Currency display format from the drop-down list. Note: This is a display option only. Currency is not converted.
- If you chose Duration, optionally select different Maximum and Minimum Granularity settings.
- Under Favourable trend, choose whether you want ascending or descending values to indicate a positive trend. For example, if your metric includes sales totals, a higher (ascending) number demonstrates a positive trend but, if your metric includes expense totals, a lower (descending) number indicates a positive trend. Note that this option only applies to scorecard (single value) visualizations. Favourable trends are indicated by a green arrow. Unfavourable changes in metric values are indicated by a red arrow.
- Under Default aggregation, choose an alternate default aggregation method using the drop-down list. The default aggregation type is used wherever there are no configuration options available.
Note: When metrics are created, they’re automatically visualized using the most appropriate aggregation type. As such, we don’t recommend changing the default aggregation type. - Enable the Users can override aggregation option if you want to allow changes to the aggregation settings for the metric.
Note: When metrics are created, they’re automatically visualized using the most appropriate aggregation type. As a result, we recommend disabling the ability to override the default aggregation. - Click the About tab.
- Under Name, rename the metric.
- Under Description, enter a different description.
- Under Metric image, click Edit image to change the metric's service icon. Learn more here.
- Under Certification, enable the Certify this metric toggle. Or, disable the toggle to remove a metric certification. Learn more here.
- When you're finished editing the metric, click Save metric.
All instances of the metric are automatically updated with your changes.
Editing instant data feed metrics
When you add an instant data feed metric, we create the data feed for you. To ensure the integrity and accuracy of your instant metrics, note that the underlying data in these data feeds is managed by Klipfolio PowerMetrics and cannot be edited.
You can, optionally, edit the following properties for instant data feed metrics:
- Delete stored historical data and re-download the data feed. This option enables you to remove historical data and start collecting new data for a metric.
- Learn more about the associated data feed by going to its details page.
- Change the refresh frequency rate for the associated data feed.
- Connect to and get data from a different account.
- Select a currency display format (only available when the data type format is "Currency").
- Rename the metric.
- Change the metric’s service icon.
- Certify (or remove certification for) the metric.
Note: Some instant data feed metrics are made up of more than one metric, for example, the Page Views Per Session instant metric combines the Page Views and the Sessions metrics as a calculation. This type of instant data feed metric is called an instant calculated metric. The only editing options available for instant calculated metrics are: rename, change the service icon, and apply or remove certification status.
To edit an instant data feed metric:
- Click Metrics in the left navigation sidebar.
- In your list of metrics, select an instant data feed metric. The metric homepage opens in view mode.
- Click the Edit button at the top of the page, as shown below.
- Click the Data tab.
Note: Beside Data source, the 3-dot menu (as shown below) gives you access to the following options: Delete and redownload stored historical data and open the data feed in a new tab (where you can view it). -
To change the metric’s refresh rate or to connect to data using a different account, click the tile under Data source (as shown below) to open the data feed.
- Click the Edit button in the open data feed.
To change the refresh rate, under Queue for refresh, select a different refresh rate from the dropdown list (as shown below) and click Save data feed.
Note: The choices available to you depend on your pricing plan. If you want to access more frequent refresh rates, click Upgrade to move to a different plan. Note that this change will also impact related instant metrics that use the same service. -
To change the account connection, click the tile under Data service. (See below.)
Note: If you choose to connect to and get data from a different account, you may need to delete stored historical data and re-download. Also, other metrics that use the previous account connection may be affected if you switch accounts. - Select a different, existing account or add a new account, choose settings, click Use account, then click Apply.
- Click Save data feed.
- If your format is Currency, you can optionally select a Currency display format from the drop-down list.
Note: This is a display option only. Currency is not converted. - Click the About tab.
- Under Name, rename the metric.
- Under Metric image, click Edit image to change the metric’s service icon. Learn more here.
- Under Certification, enable the Certify this metric toggle. Or, disable the toggle to remove a metric certification. Learn more here.
- Click Save metric.
Deleting stored historical data
After creating a data feed metric, you might decide you want to focus on a different measure than the one you originally chose. Or, perhaps, you later added a column of data to your data feed and now want that data to be included in your metric. Instead of starting over, you can delete the stored historical data for the custom metric and replace it with different data from your data feed.
After adding an instant data feed metric, you might want to “reset” its data, for example, if you made changes to the service, decided to connect using a different account, or there was an API disruption. Whatever the reason, you can reset your instant metric by deleting its stored historical data and re-downloading new data.
- When you delete stored historical data, the accumulated history for the metric is deleted and historical collection begins again as of the date of deletion.
- If the data feed has been deleted for either custom or instant data feed metrics, the only available option will be to “Delete stored historical data”.
Editing data warehouse metrics
Note: If you’ve been given shared, edit access to a data warehouse metric but you aren’t able to edit the settings located in the Data tab, ask the owner of the metric to also share the account connection that was used to create the metric.
When editing a data warehouse metric, you have the option to:
- Clear the cache for the associated account connection.
- Edit the current account connection or connect the metric to a different account.
- Change the data source for the metric.
- Edit filters for the selected table/view.
- Select a different table/view.
- Change the value you want to measure.
- Choose different dimensions by which to segment and/or filter your data and remove dimensions that have been deleted from the data warehouse.
- Choose how dimensions are applied (as filters, or segments, or both, or neither).
- Change a dimension's display name.
- Choose a different date column from the data source.
- Choose an alternate method for date handling (the method to use when calculating the total metric value for a date range).
- Choose a different data type format, including numeric, currency, duration, or percentage (percentage only applies to the summary chart type).
- Select the number of decimals to display (only available when the data type format is "Numeric").
- Select a currency display format (only available when the data type format is “Currency”).
- Adjust the duration granularity (only available when the data type format is "Duration").
- Change the favourable trend settings.
- Change the aggregation method.
- Disable or enable the ability to override the aggregation method.
- Rename the metric or change its description.
- Change the metric's service icon.
- Certify (or remove certification for) the metric.
To edit a data warehouse metric:
- Click Metrics in the left navigation sidebar.
- In your list of metrics, select a data warehouse metric. The metric homepage opens in view mode.
- Click the Edit button at the top of the page, as shown below.
- Click the Data tab.
- If you want to manually clear the cache for the metric’s connected account, at Data source, click the 3-dot menu and select Clear cache.
- To make changes to the account connection, at Data source, click the 3-dot menu, and select Change account. (See below.)
- The Select <service name> account window displays.
- To connect the metric to a different account, click Add a new account.
To edit the current account connection settings, click the 3-dot menu beside the account name and click Edit.
- The Account settings window displays. Make changes and click Save.
To change the metric’s data source, at Data source, click the 3-dot menu, and select Change data source > See all services. (See below.)
Note: If you have data feeds in your account, the submenu will include the option to “Select a data feed”.
Learn more about changing a metric's data source. - Under Table/View, click the drop-down to select a different table/view.
- Under Table/View, click Filter source data to include or exclude members for the table/view. Excluded members will not display or be available as dimensions in the saved metric visualization. Note: If the metric already includes filters, click the text beside “Includes” to view and edit them.
You can filter by member or by condition. By default, the first time you apply filters to a metric, you’ll see the UI for member filtering. To filter by condition, click the “Condition filters” link. Note: You can apply up to 10 filter conditions/dimension.
Note: If your data is stored in MariaDB, for boolean dimensions, when filtering by member, select “True” or “False”. When filtering by condition, use “1” or “0”. - Change the Measure.
- Under Dimensions:
- Select different columns (dimensions) by which to segment and filter your data.
- If dimensions display with the
symbol, they've been deleted from the table/view in the data warehouse. Deselect their checkboxes to remove them from the metric.
- Change how dimensions are used (for filtering, or segmentation, or both, or neither). To modify this setting, click the text beside the dimension name (depending on current settings, this may be All, Filter, Segment, or None) and select or deselect checkboxes as desired.
- Change a dimension's name by selecting the current name and typing a new one. This changes the display name only (not the name of the dimension in the data source). If you change the display name and want to see the one that’s being used in the data source, hover over the dimension’s name.
Note: If you change a name for a dimension that’s also being used by other metric visualizations, associated filters and segmentations will be removed from those visualizations and need to be reapplied.
- Under Date and Time, select a different date/time column.
- Click the Settings tab. (See below.)
- Under Date handling, select an alternate method for calculating the total metric value for a date range. Select from Use all values or Use most recent values only > as of right now or as of each day, week, month, or year.
- Under Format, choose a different data type. Choices include Numeric, Currency, Duration, and Percentage.
- If you chose Numeric, under Decimal places, select the number of decimals to display (from 0 - 9). The Auto setting displays up to 4 decimal places and drops trailing zeros. Note: If you’ve changed the decimal place setting for a metric and want to see the source data values with their original decimal places, edit the metric and select Auto.
- If you chose Currency, optionally select a Currency display format from the drop-down list. Note: This is a display option only. Currency is not converted.
- If you chose Duration, optionally select different Maximum and Minimum Granularity settings.
- Under Favourable trend, choose whether you want ascending or descending values to indicate a positive trend. For example, if your metric includes sales totals, a higher (ascending) number demonstrates a positive trend but, if your metric includes expense totals, a lower (descending) number indicates a positive trend. Note that this option only applies to scorecard (single value) visualizations. Favourable trends are indicated by a green arrow. Unfavourable changes in metric values are indicated by a red arrow.
- Under Default aggregation, choose an alternate default aggregation method using the drop-down list. The default aggregation type is used wherever there are no configuration options available.
Note: When metrics are created, they’re automatically visualized using the most appropriate aggregation type. As such, we don’t recommend changing the default aggregation type. - Enable the Users can override aggregation option if you want to allow changes to the aggregation settings for the metric.
Note: When metrics are created, they’re automatically visualized using the most appropriate aggregation type. As a result, we recommend disabling the ability to override the default aggregation. - Click the About tab. (See below.)
- Under Name, rename the metric.
- Under Description, enter a different description.
- Under Metric image, click Edit image to change the metric's service icon. Learn more here.
- Under Certification, enable the Certify this metric toggle. Or, disable the toggle to remove a metric certification. Learn more here.
- When you're finished editing the metric, click Save metric.
All instances of the metric are automatically updated with your changes.
Editing Cube semantic layer metrics
Note: If you’ve been given shared, edit access to a Cube semantic layer metric but you aren’t able to edit the settings located in the Data tab, ask the owner of the metric to also share the account connection that was used to create the metric.
When editing a Cube semantic layer metric, you have the option to:
- Clear the cache for the associated account connection.
- Edit the current account connection or connect the metric to a different account.
- Change the data source for the metric.
- Select a different cube/view.
- Edit filters for the selected cube/view.
- Change the value you want to measure.
- Choose different dimensions by which to segment and/or filter your data and remove dimensions that have been deleted from Cube.
- Choose how dimensions are applied (as filters, or segments, or both, or neither).
- Change a dimension's display name.
- Choose a different date column from the data source.
- Choose a different data type format, including numeric, currency, duration, or percentage (percentage only applies to the summary chart type).
- Select the number of decimals to display (only available when the data type format is "Numeric").
- Select a currency display format (only available when the data type format is “Currency”).
- Adjust the duration granularity (only available when the data type format is "Duration").
- Change the favourable trend settings.
- Rename the metric or change its description.
- Change the metric's service icon.
- Certify (or remove certification for) the metric.
To edit a Cube semantic layer metric:
- Click Metrics in the left navigation sidebar.
- In your list of metrics, select a Cube metric. The metric homepage opens in view mode.
- Click the Edit button at the top of the page, as shown below.
- Click the Data tab.
- If you want to manually clear the cache for the metric’s connected account, at Data source, click the 3-dot menu and select Clear cache.
- To make changes to the account connection, at Data source, click the 3-dot menu and select Change account. (See below.)
- The Select Cube account window displays.
- To connect the metric to a different account, click Add a new account.
To edit the current account connection settings, click the 3-dot menu beside the account name and click Edit. (See below.)
- The Account settings window displays. Make changes and click Save.
To change the metric’s data source, at Data source, click the 3-dot menu, and select Change data source > See all services. (See below.)
Note: If you have data feeds in your account, the submenu will include the option to “Select a data feed”.
Learn more about changing a metric's data source. - Under Cube/View, click the drop-down to select a different cube/view.
- Under Cube/View, click Filter source data to include or exclude members for the cube/view. Excluded members will not display or be available as dimensions in the saved metric visualization. Note: If the metric already includes filters, click the text beside “Includes” to view and edit them.
You can filter by member or by condition. By default, the first time you apply filters to a metric, you’ll see the UI for member filtering. To filter by condition, click the “Condition filters” link. Note: You can apply up to 10 filter conditions/dimension. - Change the Measure.
- Under Dimensions:
- Select different columns (dimensions) by which to segment and filter your data.
- If dimensions display with the
symbol, they've been deleted from the cube in the data warehouse. Deselect their checkboxes to remove them from the metric.
- Change how dimensions are used (for filtering, or segmentation, or both, or neither). To modify this setting, click the text beside the dimension name (depending on current settings, this may be All, Filter, Segment, or None) and select or deselect checkboxes as desired.
- Change a dimension's name by selecting the current name and typing a new one. This changes the display name only (not the name of the dimension in the data source). If you change the display name and want to see the one that’s being used in the data source, hover over the dimension’s name.
Note: If you change a name for a dimension that’s also being used by other metric visualizations, associated filters and segmentations will be removed from those visualizations and need to be reapplied.
- Under Data and Time, select a different date/time column.
- Click the Settings tab. (See below.)
- Under Format, choose a different data type. Choices include Numeric, Currency, Percentage, and Duration.
- If you chose Numeric, under Decimal places, select the number of decimals to display (from 0 - 9). The Auto setting displays up to 4 decimal places and drops trailing zeros. Note: If you’ve changed the decimal place setting for a metric and want to see the source data values with their original decimal places, edit the metric and select Auto.
- If you chose Currency, optionally select a Currency display format from the drop-down list. Note: This is a display option only. Currency is not converted.
- If you chose Duration as the format type, optionally select different Maximum and Minimum Granularity settings.
- Under Favourable trend, choose whether you want ascending or descending values to indicate a positive trend. For example, if your metric includes sales totals, a higher (ascending) number demonstrates a positive trend but, if your metric includes expense totals, a lower (descending) number indicates a positive trend. Note that this option only applies to scorecard (single value) visualizations. Favourable trends are indicated by a green arrow. Unfavourable changes in metric values are indicated by a red arrow.
- Click the About tab. (See below.)
- Under Name, rename the metric.
- Under Description, enter a different description.
- Under Metric image, click Edit image to change the metric’s service icon. Learn more here.
- Under Certification, enable the Certify this metric toggle. Or, disable the toggle to remove a metric certification. Learn more here.
- When you're finished editing the metric, click Save metric.
All instances of the metric are automatically updated with your changes.
Editing dbt Semantic Layer metrics
Note: If you’ve been given shared, edit access to a dbt Semantic Layer metric but you aren’t able to edit the settings located in the Data tab, ask the owner of the metric to also share the account connection that was used to create the metric.
When editing a dbt Semantic Layer metric, you have the option to:
- Clear the cache for the associated account connection.
- Edit the current account connection or connect the metric to a different dbt Semantic Layer account.
- Change the data source for the metric.
- Select a different dbt metric to visualize.
- Choose different dimensions by which to segment and/or filter your data.
- Choose how dimensions are applied (as filters, or segments, or both, or neither).
- Choose a different data type format, including numeric, currency, duration, or percentage (percentage only applies to the summary chart type).
- Select the number of decimals to display (only available when the data type format is "Numeric").
- Select a currency display format (only available when the data type format is “Currency”).
- Adjust the duration granularity (only available when the data type format is "Duration").
- Change the favourable trend settings.
- Give the metric a different display name.
- Override the description from the dbt project with a new description.
- Change the metric’s service icon.
- Certify (or remove certification for) the metric.
To edit a dbt Semantic Layer metric:
- Click Metrics in the left navigation sidebar.
- In your list of metrics, select a dbt Semantic Layer metric. The metric homepage opens in view mode.
- Click the Edit button at the top of the page. (See below.)
- Click the Data tab.
- If you want to manually clear the cache for the metric’s connected account, at Data source, click the 3-dot menu and select Clear cache. (See below.)
- To make changes to the account connection, at Data source, click the 3-dot menu, and select Change account. (See below.)
- The Select dbt Semantic Layer account window displays.
- To connect the metric to a different account, click Add a new account.
To edit the current account connection settings, click the 3-dot menu beside the account name and click Edit. (See below.)
- The Account settings window displays. Make changes and click Save.
To change the metric's data source, at Data source, click the 3-dot menu and select Change data source > See all services. (See below.)
Note: If you have data feeds in your account, the submenu will include the option to “Select a data feed”.
Learn more about changing a metric's data source. - Under dbt project metric, click the drop-down and select a different metric from the dbt Semantic Layer project.
- Under Dimensions:
- Select different columns (dimensions) by which to segment and filter your data.
- Change how dimensions are used (for filtering, or segmentation, or both, or neither). To modify this setting, click the text beside the dimension name (depending on current settings, this may be All, Filter, Segment, or None) and select or deselect checkboxes as desired.
- Click the Settings tab.
- Under Format, choose a different data type. Choices include Numeric, Currency, Percentage, and Duration.
- If you chose Numeric, under Decimal places, select the number of decimals to display (from 0 - 9). The Auto setting displays up to 4 decimal places and drops trailing zeros. Note: If you’ve changed the decimal place setting for a metric and want to see the source data values with their original decimal places, edit the metric and select Auto.
- If you chose Currency, optionally select a Currency display format from the drop-down list. Note: This is a display option only. Currency is not converted.
- If you chose Duration, optionally select different Maximum and Minimum Granularity settings.
- Under Favourable trend, choose whether you want ascending or descending values to indicate a positive trend. For example, if your metric includes sales totals, a higher (ascending) number demonstrates a positive trend but, if your metric includes expense totals, a lower (descending) number indicates a positive trend. Note that this option only applies to scorecard (single value) visualizations. Favourable trends are indicated by a green arrow. Unfavourable changes in metric values are indicated by a red arrow.
- Click the About tab.
- Under Name, rename the metric.
- Under Description, enter a different description.
- Under Metric image, click Edit image to change the metric’s service icon. Learn more here.
- Under Certification, enable the Certify this metric toggle. Or, disable the toggle to remove a metric certification. Learn more here.
- When you're finished editing the metric, click Save metric.
All instances of the metric are automatically updated with your changes.
Editing calculated metrics
You can optionally edit the following properties for calculated metrics:
- Change the formula structure, including adding or removing metrics.
- Choose which members to include and exclude (filtering).
- Change the aggregation type.
- Apply a date offset to individual operands.
- Change the format type: Numeric, currency, percentage, or duration.
- Select the number of decimals to display (only available when the data type format is "Numeric").
- Select a currency display format (only available when the data type format is "Currency").
- Adjust the duration granularity (only available when the data type format is "Duration").
- Choose how you want a favourable trend to be applied.
- Choose different dimensions by which to segment and/or filter your data.
- Choose how dimensions are applied (as filters, or segments, or both, or neither).
- Rename the metric or change its description.
- Change the metric’s service icon.
- Certify (or remove certification for) the metric.
To edit a calculated metric:
- In the left navigation sidebar, click Metrics to open the Metric List page.
- Select the calculated metric you want to edit from the list.
- Click the
Edit button in the top navigation bar.
- Click the Settings tab.
- Modify the formula by adding or removing metrics and entering appropriate operators.
- Modify filters by clicking on a referenced metric in the formula and opening the Filter tab. Select which members to include or exclude for each dimension. Excluded members will not display or be available as dimensions in the saved metric visualization.
You can filter by member or by condition. By default, the first time you apply filters to a metric, you’ll see the UI for member filtering. To filter by condition, click the “Condition filters” link. Note: You can apply up to 10 filter conditions/dimension. - Modify the aggregation type by clicking on a referenced metric in the formula and opening the Data tab. (See below.)
Note: You cannot modify the aggregation type for instant metrics or for custom metrics that have the option to override default aggregation disabled. - Apply a date offset to individual operands by clicking on a referenced metric in the formula, opening the Data tab, and selecting an option under Date offset.
Note: If you choose Custom period (offset), you need to also select Back or Ahead and enter the number of periods. Then, click Apply. - Under Format, choose a different format type.
- If you chose Numeric, under Decimal places, select the number of decimals to display (from 0 - 9). The Auto setting displays up to 4 decimal places and drops trailing zeros. Note: If you’ve changed the decimal place setting for a metric and want to see the source data values with their original decimal places, edit the metric and select Auto.
- If you chose Currency, optionally select a Currency display format from the drop-down list. Note: This is a display option only. Currency is not converted.
- If you chose Duration, optionally select different Maximum and Minimum Granularity settings.
- Under Favourable trend, modify the trend settings.
- Under Dimensions:
- Select different columns (dimensions) by which to segment and filter your data.
- Change how dimensions are used (for filtering, or segmentation, or both, or neither). To modify this setting, click the text beside the dimension name (depending on current settings, this may be All, Filter, Segment, or None) and select or deselect checkboxes as desired.
- Click the About tab.
- Under Name, rename the metric.
- Under Metric image, click Edit image to change the metric’s service icon. Learn more here.
- Under Certification, enable the Certify this metric toggle. Or, disable the toggle to remove a metric certification. Learn more here.
- Click Save metric.
Editing metric visualizations on a dashboard
You can edit the display properties for metric visualizations on a dashboard. You cannot edit their underlying metric data. Changes you make only affect how the visualizations display on that dashboard. For example, if you add a visualization from the metric homepage to a dashboard and then edit it, the display properties for the original visualization on the metric homepage will not change.
Note: The display properties and editing options that are available on the dashboard are based on the selected chart type and style and the original settings you chose when you created the metric.
When editing the display properties for metric visualizations on a dashboard, you can modify the following settings:
- Give the metric visualization a new title.
- Change the chart type and style.
- Wrap text (for all tables) and define the number of wrapped rows (2-5) to maintain a consistent row height (pivot tables).
- Choose how many rows to display and whether to display top or bottom rows (for ranked tables).
- Select which columns to display and show totals (for list and pivot tables).
- Hide or show blank periods (for list and pivot tables).
- Select which rows to display (for pivot tables).
- Choose to display data as a continuous line or break lines when there are gaps in data.
- Show or hide values as labels.
- Abbreviate long values.
- Show or hide points (for line and combination charts).
- Change line thickness or remove lines (for line and area charts).
- Choose a gradient or solid fill area (area charts).
- Change the legend position.
- Add or remove comparisons to other time periods.
- Add or remove trend lines.
- Add multiple metrics to individual visualizations. (Not applicable to calculated metrics.)
- Change the aggregation method. This is only available to custom metrics where the option to override default aggregation is enabled (and to calculated metrics that include that type of metric).
- Select whether you want to show your data cumulatively. This is only available to line charts and for custom metrics where the option to override default aggregation is enabled (and to calculated metrics that include that type of metric).
- Choose different dimensions by which to segment your data.
- Choose a different time periodicity, for example, hourly, daily, or weekly.
- Change the date range to either use the dashboard date range or a custom date range. If you choose ”Custom”, you can also apply a custom time zone setting to the visualization.
- Change filters by selecting or deselecting members for each dimension.
To edit a metric visualization on a dashboard:
- With the dashboard open, click the Edit button.
- Select the visualization you want to edit.
You can, alternatively, click on the 3-dot menu for the visualization you want to modify and select Edit. This opens the properties panel on the right, with the selected visualization in focus - When you're finished editing the visualization, click Save.
Those with shared access to the dashboard will need to choose the "Revert" option from the dashboard’s 3-dot menu if they want to see the new default version.