Hi Guys:
I have a column that we want to count the number of commas in the string.
Here is the string:
01/21/2017, 01/23/2017
Expected result :
Any help would be appreciated...
Hi Guys:
I have a column that we want to count the number of commas in the string.
Here is the string:
01/21/2017, 01/23/2017
Expected result :
Any help would be appreciated...
Hi David,
You can take advantage of the ARRAY function to separate a text string into a list of items and then wrap COUNTALL around it to count the number of items in the list, then subtract 1.
ARRAY( "01/21/2017, 01/23/2017") will return a list of 2 items
Wrap COUNTALL around the ARRAY and subtract 1 to get the number of commas:
COUNTALL( ARRAY( "01/21/2017, 01/23/2017") ) - 1
If you want to count a character other than a comma, use SUBSTITUTE to convert the character(s) to a comma, then wrap COUNTALL(ARRAY(..)) around the formula, but first SUBSTITUTE any existing commas to another string so these aren't used in separating the text string.
COUNTALL( ARRAY( SUBSTITUTE( SUBSTITUTE( "01/21/2017, 01/23/2017", ",","*"), "/", ",") ) ) - 1
Hi Janice:
Thanks so much. This makes sense. However, I wanted to count the number of list items in each row in this column.
record 1 ) 01/21/2017, 01/23/2017 => 1
record 2 ) 01/21/2017, 01/23/2017, 1/24/2017 => 2
Let me know if I have explained myself clearly. Sorry if I wasnt clearer
Hi David,
Use the MAP function to loop through multiple records:
MAP ( records, "temp", (COUNTALL( ARRAY( $temp ) ) -1 ) )
where 'records' points to your data and temp is a variable.
Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for....
You're smart!
Here's an updated solution that takes advantage of our new LENGTH function. Using the SUBSTITUTE_REGEX function, we can match each comma surrounded by 0 or more non-comma characters (specified by the regex [^,]*,[^,]*) and substitute these with one comma (,). Then we use the LENGTH count the commas returned by the SUBSTITUTE_REGEX. For example,
LENGTH( SUBSTITUTE_REGEX( ARRAY( "abc,def","ghi,jkl,mno,pqr" ),
To handle the case where a string has 0 commas, we match each comma surrounded by 0 or more non-comma characters ([^,]*,[^,]*) or (|) no commas ([^,]) and substitute these with one comma (,) or null("") respectively.
LENGTH( SUBSTITUTE_REGEX( ARRAY( "abc,def","ghi,jkl,mno,pqr" ),
ARRAY( "[^,]*,[^,]*", "[^,]*" ),
ARRAY( ",", "" ) ) )
SUBSTITUTE_REGEX is considered advanced functionality. There are many online references on using regex, such as regexr.com, or email support@klipfolio.com for guidance.
Thank you,