The first time I saw the KlipFolio webpage, I understood immediately that KF's incredible capabilities and modular construct made it's Dashboard platform far more important than just a Business data display service!
In my case, I have been looking for this type of very sophisticated, Web-based integrated communications platform for use in disseminating my biological events forecasting service for more than 10 years. But beyond that, ever since the first PCs became available in the early 80's, I understood the potential of 'desktop computing' to be at the core of a communications revolution - taking complex information and data from 'subject matter experts' and creating an extensive, specific, customizable, and targeted information distribution system that would greatly enhance society - from Agriculture to Medicine and all the stops in between.
To me, KlipFolio is just that sort of very powerful information delivery system!
As an example: I once had a conversation with a new client as we were leaving a successful bio-events forecasting service presentation. As we walked through the meeting room door, he tugged at my sleeve and when I turned around he asked me this question: Do you really understand what you have here? I said: Yes! I think I do! And his reply was firm but polite: No! You actually don't have clue! And, over the next 15 minutes, he laid out how the forecasting process that I had built was very likely to revolutionize the field of green plant pest management and the industry setup to service that massive field of endeavor.
Based on that conversation, I ask the same question: Does KlipFolio really understand what they have? My answer is: Not Yet!