Change font color of y-axis label

I am building a bar chart with several different series and two y-axis components. For clarity and readability, I would like to change the label of one of the y-axis components to match the color of the series that is using it. It would be much clearer to my client this way.

How do I change the color of the y-axis label? 






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    Janice Janczyn Official comment

    Hi Trudy, unfortunately, there is currently no way to change the colour of the y-axis label. For clarity, you can set the Axis Position (on the Properties tab) for one of your y-axes on the left and the other on the right.



  • 0
    T V

    Yes I tried that, but still it is not obvious. The problem is that both y-axis are dollars, but with very different ranges. 


    I will keep playing with it and see if I can come up with a better layout for my data.




  • 1
    Erik Klemusch

    Hi Trudy,

    as long as you´re just trying to change the color of the axis title (and not the tick labels as well), you might try to use some HTML in the axis title. Try something like this:
    <span style="color: red;">Wow, my axis title is red now!</span>




  • 0
    T V

    Erik -

    Thank you!



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