Embedding Dynamic Kilps.

Is there a way to embed dynamic klips onto an html page besides creating an iframe? The problem I'm having using an iframe is it would be giving other users access to my account and the ability to manipulate data. 


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    Meggan King

    Hi Brendan -

    Have you looked at Published Links (https://support.klipfolio.com/hc/en-us/articles/215548488-How-do-I-share-my-dashboards-using-published-links-)? This allows you to customize your dashboard and have your Klips dynamically react to user input, date pickers, etc. You can put the published link into an iframe. This will protect your account. Users will just be able to view the Klips you've created.  




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    Hi Meggan,

    I have kind of the same issue: I need to embed my dashboard in our Intranet page, because we need to give acces to it to our marketing teams (= a lot of people) in a seamless way so that they'd consult the page without having to sign in with an account and password....  
    The Dashboard is interactive with different user input controls.

    The only issue is that by doing so with a published link, the users can't download or share the klips and data behind it :/
    Am I doing something wrong ? What is the optimal solution for my needs ?



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    Zach Kathnelson

    Hi Eva,

    Happy to try to help - it sounds like you have a few requirements: 

    1) Make the dashboards more accessible (embed into intranet, no Klipfolio login required)

    2) Allow users to download the Klips as PDF

    One option that you could look at is setting up Single Sign On between your Intranet site and Klipfolio.  Assuming your users are logging in to your intranet, you could use SSO to authenticate each specific user seamlessly from your portal into Klipfolio - UI could be a button in the Intranet: "View your Dashboard."  Upon clicking the button, SSO would pass the specific user's credentials into Klipfolio, and our app would open in a new browser tab to show a given user the specific dashboards that they have access to.  Because you've used SSO to pass the user's credentials over, Klipfolio is aware of who they are so they only see the dashboards that they should see. You wouldn't be embedding the dashboards into the Intranet, however you would be making them much more accessible.  And once inside Klipfolio, the user could download Klips as they normally would.

    Before clicking the "View your Dashboard" button (while the user is in the Intranet site), you could give them a teaser of some dashboard content by using your current approach (iFraming a published link - positive user experience and full interactivity), or a simpler approach using our native embed functionality (though note that this is really just a static image of your Klips without interactive elements).  In either case here, you're not satisfying the requirement to download as PDF (before the SSO part kicks in), however you are making the dashboards viewable from the Intranet site.  

    Where users WANT to dig in deeper and potentially download the data, they can "View Dashboard" --> SSO --> engage with the dashboards through our web application.  

    Does this sound like it might work for you?


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    Hi Zach,

    Thanks for your answer. It sounds like a good solution for now, we are going to try that.


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