Real-time updates

Yes I already know, it would require a lot of resources to allow real-time updates. But I think it can be limited.
And I already know that you can push data to Klipfolio api to achieve real time, but that is not always possible to do from the source.

My proposal is to allow 1 RESTful web service data-source per customer that is on a constant loop. It would do the RESTful request, and as soon as it gets the response back from the server it will do it again. Constantly looping the same request over and over again.
Allowing live updates for only 1 data-source would hopefully limit the overhead usages of resources. 


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    Danielle Hodgson

    Hi Martin,
    Thank you for your feedback! I would like to know a little bit more about what you are trying to accomplish so that we can find the best solution for you.

    What is the nature of the data that you are trying pull? What type of metrics are you hoping to track in real time? Is there a particular API you are wanting to get data from?



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    Martin Bornesjö

    Sure Danielle and thanks for your reply.

    I'm responsible for a customer support function with multiple teams and we use Klipfolio to present different KPI and ticket queues data on our big screens.
    But there is one metric we can't show and that is how many customers we have in the queue for our phones.

    Phone queues are much more demanding then email ticket queues that they are presented in real-time. A minute can be the different between no phone queue and 10 in the queue. Also having the possibility to show agent status to know how many agents are in status Ready and how many are in Busy is also a metric that must be in real time or at least 5 seconds updates.

    We are today using a phone system that has RESTful web service api that we can connect to with Klipfolio. The only problem is that having an update 1 per minute is not quick enough when we are talking about phone support.


    That is why I'm suggesting that all customers would be allowed to have an data-source that is constantly looping. Pulling new data as soon as the respons from the last PULL was done. And by limiting this to 1 per customer it would not put as much stress on your servers that are handling the updates. 
    This could even be a USP that we the customers could buy as an add on to our current subscriptions.

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    Danielle Hodgson

    Thank you Martin for your input! I will add this to our list of requirements to evaluate and prioritize. 



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