How to pass values to variables through public URLs?


I'm using a dynamic data source tied to a variable. A drop down menu changes the data source (SQL) between PROD and BETA. I have a public link to my dashboard and I would like to be able to choose which environment is displayed when I send the URL to someone. I looked at this support article: https://support.klipfolio.com/hc/en-us/articles/216183327-Using-hyperlinks-in-Klips but I couldn't really figure out if it applies to passing values to variables as well. I tried to add:


...to the end of the URL, but it didn't change anything. 

Is passing values through the URL even possible and if not, is there any other way to get the functionality I'm looking for?


- Carlos



  • 1
    Josh Cohen-Collier

    Hi Carlos,

    Thanks for posting in our Community!

    To clarify on how these params work, they actually only function for internal hyperlinks in Klipfolio, meaning when you are signed in you can use them when going to to/between dashboards.
    However, unfortunately they do not work for published links.
    I have added you to an open feature request for this, however, and you will be notified if there is any progress on this front.

    Hope this helps!

    Best regards,
    Joshua Cohen-Collier,
    Technical Support Specialist, Klipfolio

  • 1
    Jon Klixbüll Langeland

    Hi Joshua


    What is the status of this ???



  • 1
    Ruben Stolk

    Wow, this is a must have feature. Had really expected this to be a default feature in Klipfolio!

  • 0
    Josh Cohen-Collier

    Hi Jon,

    At the moment, there has been no update for this feature, as it is still under discussion by our product management team.
    However, I have added you to the notification list as well, so you will receive an update via email if this is released.

    Warm regards,
    Joshua Cohen-Collier,
    Technical Support Specialist, Klipfolio

  • 0
    Evn Presson



    I would also like to have this feature for my published dashboards.

  • 0
    Josh Cohen-Collier

    Hi Evan,

    I have added you to the notification list as well, so you will receive an update via email if this is released.

    Warm regards,
    Joshua Cohen-Collier,
    Technical Support Specialist, Klipfolio

  • 0
    Evn Presson

    Hi Joshua,

    Has there been any further discussions or development on this feature? It would really cut my work load down in half so I don't have to replicate klips with different filters on multiple dashboards. It would also help when it comes to pushing updates to klips across multiple dashboards/TV's.

  • 0
    Josh Cohen-Collier
    Hi Evan,

    At the moment, I unfortunately do not have an update for you, as this feature is under discussion still.
    Totally understand your requirements, and we appreciate you letting us know how important this is to you.

    Warm regards,
    Joshua Cohen-Collier,
    Technical Support Specialist, Klipfolio

  • 0
    Pekka Poukkula


    This is a very important feature. Now I'm forced to select another tool for some of my projects/clients because Klipfolio is missing this.

    It shouldn't be hard to implement when you have this feature already working with inner links.


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    Arttu Piipponen

    Also here a needed feature to use dashboards more efficiently.

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