Make the pie chart show not countries but the Offices names



I have a pie chart where leads are grouped by countries:

Values: GROUPBY(@/countries, @/leads)

Labels: GROUP (@/countries)


Also I’ve created the variable, using user  input control, where I have divided countries between several offices.


So the question is – ho should I update my pie chart to get the segmentation not by countries, but by the Office names.


  • 0
    Janice Janczyn

    Hi Tatiana,

    If you are grouping countries into offices, and referring to country data (not office data) in your datasource, the simplest approach is to create a small spreadsheet datasource that lists each country and their office, for example:

        country       office
         United States       US Office
         Canada                US Office
         Mexico                  US Office
         Belgium                EU Office
         Luxembourg         EU Office
         Netherlands          EU Office

    Then your pie chart formulas would be something like

         Labels:   GROUP (LOOKUP( @/countries, country, office ) )
         Values:   GROUPBY( LOOKUP( @/countries, country, office ), @/leads )

    The LOOKUPs map each country in your datasource to their office and then the GROUP & GROUPBY group the data by office.



  • 0
    Tatiana Saburova

    Hi, Janice!

    Thank you for reply, but i can't create the spreadsheet datasource as i get data direcly from the Marketo sytem. In Marketo i have the only "country' field, but in klip we want to see the structure by Offices. Each Office includes different countries. Is it possible to use the variable to deal with this question?


    Best regards,

    Tanya Saburova

  • 0
    Janice Janczyn

    Hi Tanya,

    If you want the pie chart to display leads grouped by country for a selected office, where the User Input control sets the variable that lists office's countries to display in the pie chart, your pie chart formulas would be something like

         Labels:   GROUP (SELECT( @/countries, IN( @/countries, $OfficeRegion ) )
         Values:   GROUPBY( SELECT( @/countries, IN( @/countries, $OfficeRegion ),
                                            SELECT( @/leads , IN( @/countries, $OfficeRegion ) )


    Is this what you are looking for?  Or do you want the pie chart to display leads grouped by office (in which case I don't think ou need the User Input control)?


  • 0
    Tatiana Saburova

    Janice, you're right, i need the pie chart to display leads grouped by office. I see that user input control - wrong decision. Can you avise what shoul i do in this way? 


    Best regards,

    Tanya Saburova

  • 0
    Janice Janczyn

    Hi Tanya,

    To have the pie chart display leads grouped by office, I think the best approach is the one I suggested earlier, which is to create a small spreadsheet datasource that lists each country and their office. This would basically contain the same data as in your User Input Control and would not need to be updated often, only when a country/office is added or changed.


  • 0
    Tatiana Saburova

    Janice, sorry, i've understood now! Thank you very much:)


    Best regards, 

    Tanya Saburova

  • 0
    Janice Janczyn

    Tanya, you are very welcome, happy to help!


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