In example below the color for the '707' has been made green with an indicater (value > 653).
How can i make the legend (2017) make green with an indicator?
In example below the color for the '707' has been made green with an indicater (value > 653).
How can i make the legend (2017) make green with an indicator?
Hi Peter,
Thanks for raising your use case. When using an indicator on a series, the intent had been to enable easily identifying an individual column in an entire series in order to highlight that column while the rest remained in the original colour. In this case, your series is a single value/bar which makes the entire series (one bar) change when the indicator threshold is reached.
Is your above use case something you are doing frequently? Is the concern that the dashboard viewers no longer associate the legend with the bar?
That said, I'll open this as an enhancement request and explore with our product team to consider options.
Looking forward to hearing any additional context you can share.
Hello Scott,
The concern is as you describe it 'legend might not be associated with the bar'. To start we will use this in about 8 bar charts.
Hi Peter,
Thank you for the additional input.
I have run into this myself, and there are two ways you can improve your klip.
One is to add a label just above the bar chart - so it is very close to where the legend is displayed - that says something like 'bar will turn green is target is met' or however you want to word it.
The other way - and I prefer this one - is to add a series to your chart that draws a thin line where the target is.
For this klip, my client had a target percentage she was aiming for, always 28%, so I added that as a series to her chart.
If the targets are different for your data, you could add them as a line series without connecting the dots for a cleaner look.
The point is that when you display the target, you do not need to use indicators anymore. Color changes are not needed, and therefore your legend is perfectly matched with the data. The client can see clearly if they've exceeded their targets or not.
Good luck Peter!
Thank you for adding these great recommendations, Trudy!!