Queue all of a klip's datasources for refresh

When I'm on my dashboard, and drop down the options for a klip in the top right, I would have an option that queue's all that klip's datasources for refresh.  Big time saver.  Only available to people who can edit the klip.


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    Scott Lawrence

    Hi Christian,

    Thank you for raising your request in our community.  

    I have added your name and scenario to a feature request.

    Any additional details you can share around your use case would be great.

    Thanks again,


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    Leann Lewis

    This would be great. It would also be cool if you could "flush" and rerun dynamic data sources in this manner.

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    Brice Sloan

    Ideally - this would happen within KLIP edit rather than having a separate browser window to refresh the datasource that way.  

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