I've got a bit crazy reading through all of the help files, I'm sure I'm over complicating things now.
I have an api to a service called Knack that returns 2500+ records (this will grow), due to the api restricitions I can only return 1,000 records at a time so I have set up three data sources containin all the records DS1(0-1000), DS2(1001,2000) etc... Now I'm trying to find how to use of these records in klips and getting confused ...
An example. All the fields are just called field_1, field_2 and I want to find out how many records there are for each employee (field_29 is employee initial)
DS1 : GROUPBY(@/records/field_29;,@/records/field_29;,"count(values)")
DS2 : GROUPBY(@/records/field_29;,@/records/field_29;,"count(values)")
Both of these formula give me a count for each datasource. How can I combine into one result ?
I have tried : GROUPBY(array@/records/field_29;,@/records/field_29;),array(@/records/field_29;,@/records/field_29;),"count(values)") where the first field_29 is DS1 and the second is DS2 but it gives a weird result :
I would like the COUNT JOIN column to show the results as the addition of the other two and I don't know why it isn't working. There are no gaps in data and no missing fields (it's mandatory)
Apologies if this is very basic... I'm getting tied up in knots !