Multiple stacked columns, grouped by date

Table, created from a modelled data source.

Column1: Date. Grouped.

Column2: Intraoperative Comfort [Yes / No / Unsure]

Column3: LA Pain Rating [Very good / Good / OK / Bad / Very bad]

Objective: Date on x axis. Stacked bars on y axis. Separate bars for Column2 and for Column3,

Strategy: Adding a series for each option eg Series1: Intraoperative Comfort = Yes, Series2: Intraoperative Comfort=No, Series3, Intraoperative Comfort=Unsure.

Bars set to stack to 100%

Result: Works for this question. However, getting a new series label for each value, so i have three labels for one question.

Main problem: When adding a 4th series for Column3 (LA Pain Rating = Very Good) this is simply stacking onto the bar for Column2.

How can i force the Column3 question (LA Pain Rating) into an adjacent bar for March 2021 ?

Appreciate any help!

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    Support Team

    Hi Adnaan,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    You might want to deselect the option of stack all bars if you want separate bar for LA Pain Rating. The stack all bars option stacks multiple series which helps in framing each dataset within the total of all the data sets in a category. If you deselect the stack all bars option you would get a chart like this.

    Also you can refer to this article for building Bar/Line Chart components:


    Hope this helps!

    Kind Regards,

    Pratyusa Ray

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