Connecting with Hubspot

Is it possible to grab more than 2500 rows of data from Hubspot?  Is this a payment wall or more of a hard-coded limitation?

Max Page setting is 10 and the URL I am using is:


Note: Anything about limit=250 returns an error:

"We couldn't retrieve the data you requested. Check your account permissions and connection and try again."

1 comment

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    Pratyusa Ray Official comment

    Hi John,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    HubSpot API has a 250 records per page limit,10 pages is the maximum number of pages that can be brought in at this time. This is more of a hardcoded limitation. If you'd like to see that number increase, I suggest logging a feature request for this. 

    With that in mind, perhaps once you cross the 2500 record threshold, you can create a 2nd data source that begins returning records after that 2500th record. You can do this either by specifying the date range in your Hubspot query, or by using our date parameters to specify a created_date that matches the 2501st record. 

    Hope this helps.

    Kind Regards,

    Pratyusa Ray

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