Label drop question


in the Klip editor we have an option to set label drop to auto (this is default). 

But how is this feature supposed to work? Most of the time, I see Klips like this:

Shouldn't the drop labels = auto to make this chart readable?




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    Meggan King

    Labels need to use horizontal angle for auto drop to work. Our document captures this under the X Axis section :





  • 3
    Knowit Experience Admin

    Thanks. Then I suggest this minor change:

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    Keely Davison

    Hi Jørn,

    That's a good idea.  When you have time can you add it to the Product Feedback and Feature Request forum and others can vote for it as well.


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    Jon S

    Hi Keely,

    I have set the Label Drop to "Auto" and the Angle to "---", but I still get the messed view as seen below. Please advice on how to solve this.



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    Meggan King

    Hi Jon -

    We are investigating this issue on our end. It appears to be a problem with Highcharts, so we have contacted their support. The issue is the size of the field is not being handled correctly, so Highcharts replacing it with ... instead of calculating the specific size. 

    While we wait for an update on their end, you could put your X Axis horizontal angle, or select the specific label drop instead of auto drop. Can you try that? 

    I will add your email to the open issue here and you will be notified when it has been resolved. 



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    Jon S

    Thanks for the input, Meggan. I does work when using manual chosen label drop. How over, the amount of bars can shift between 1 and 48, depending on the chosen period. So we can't use that trick.

    Looking forward to hear the result. Thanks. Jon

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    Garrod Houweling

    Hi Jon,

    We really appreciate you reaching out!

    Our development team has just released a fix to the highcharts issue that corrected the auto label drop, as well as introduced a great new feature for the label angle called "Auto"!

    The fix to the label drop addressed the truncating issue by only including the right number of labels so that all of the displayed labels are visible and not cutoff 

    Our new feature "Auto Label Angle" is an amazing new feature that will angle your data in order to include the most number labels on the X-axis, while still having it clean and readable



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    Jon S

    Thank you, Garrod. The "Auto Label Angle" works really great!

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