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    Arshad Hayat Official comment

    Hi Data Girl,

    Magento data can be accessed through their SOAP calls. 

    Working with Magento API will require some experience with SOAP. If you are not familiar with SOAP, you may want to involve someone from your organization who can help you create custom queries.

    We can configure this in Klipfolio through Web Accessible Resource Connector using2-Step Authentication.

    The steps include-
    1. Getting a sessionId through 'Login' SOAP call, passing the username and APIKey.
    2. Passing the SeessionId to the later SOAP calls.

    First step is to get the WSDL URL from Magento.

    I am referring SOAP API Version V2.
    Import the WSDL in a SOAP client.
    Get the sessionId by running the 'login' SOAP call.
    Pick the Method that you want to request.
    Enter the values required and test data is returned successfully.

    To configure this in Klipfolio Web Accessible Resource Connector(here I am using 'customerCustomerList' method)

    URL= from the SOAP client to the URL section

    Date Format= XML

    Method= POST

    <x:Envelope xmlns:x="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">

    Name= Content-Type
    Value = text/xml, charset=utf-8
    Type= Header

    Name= SOAPAction
    Value = urn:Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_handlerAction
    Type= Header

    Type= 2-Step Authentication
    Response= Text
    Method= POST

    <x:Envelope xmlns:x="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">

    Name= Content-Type
    Value = text/xml, charset=utf-8
    Type= Header

    Name= SOAPAction
    Value = urn:Mage_Api_Model_Server_V2_handlerAction
    Type= Header

    Auth URL= you can get it from SOAP client through 'Login' SOAP after importing the WSDL.
    It would look like http://companydomain/api/v2_soap/index/

    Token Path= <loginReturn xsi:type="xsd:string">(.*?)</loginReturn>

    The above example is for 'customerCustomerList' method.
    You can configure your own through SOAP Client tests and referring to Magento SOAP API document.



  • 0
    Jonas Bolin

    Dear Arshad,

    Do you know if Klipfolio works for Magent x1.0 SOAP APIs as well?



  • 0
    Arshad Hayat

    Hi Jonas,

    The steps I mentioned above works for the version 1.x SOAP API



    - Arshad

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