Adding Music to your Klips


In this article, I'll explain how you can add Music to your Klips. You can add sound tracks, playlists and even add custom messages to your Klips. Note that all the Klips here are using Soundcloud.com as the source.

Where these Klips can be used

  • Share custom messages on a welcome dashboard.
  • Add specific messages or instructions for a Klip.

You should have a SoundCloud account to upload and get track URLs.


1. Go to your SoundCloud.com account and upload or record a track.


2. Find your track and click on Share to get the URL


3. Login to Klipfolio Dashboard.

4. Go to Library.

5. Click Build a New Klip.

6. Select HTML Template.

7. Select Don’t use a data source.

8. In the Klip Editor, select HTML Template and under Properties put the following iframe code:

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=track_URL&amp; color=0066cc&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=true&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=false&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;buying=false&amp;sharing=false&amp;show_playcount=false&amp;liking=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>

9. Replace the “track_URL” in the iframe code above with the URL taken from SoundCloud. You can also add a complete playlist.


Explanation of the parameters used in the above iframe (all parameters, except ‘color’, take value as true/false):

auto_play – Starts playing the song as soon as it is loaded, if set to true

buying – to show the buying cart icon in the iframe, if set to true

liking – to show the like button on the tracks, if set to true

download – to show the download icon, if set to true

sharing – to be able to share through the iframe, if set to true

color – set the custom color (default is orange)

show_comments – The track can show other SoundCloud user comments on the track timeline, if set to true

show_playcount – shows how many times the track was played, if set to true

hide_related – hides other track recommendations, when set to true

visual – displays the track with visuals, if set to true


For Partners - to display a custom welcome message:

1. Create different Welcome dashboards for different clients.

2. Create different sound Klips for different Clients. You can upload your custom message or record it on SoundCloud.

3. Add the Klips to their respective tabs
(Set the iframe height=”0” and auto_play=true in the above html code to make it invisible and start playing on Tab load. Additionally you can put a welcome image on this Klip)

4. Import these dashboards to client accounts.

5. Set these default dashboards for them.



1 comment

  • 0
    ARM Team

    Thank you Arshad. How can i put Twilio recordings there? Can you help?

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