What new data services would you like to add to your dashboards?

Not finding a data source that you would like to report on? We would love to know what new services you would like to see integrated into Klipfolio and what specific metrics you would like to track. 


  • 10
    Arthur Nagae

    Send email to groups/users with alerts based on values from specific values within klips.

  • -1
    Not Defined

    It would be very very helpful to make it easy to change the datasource of a klip. Instead of opening the source of a klip and use Crtl+F to manually replace the ID & Data Source with the copy of the Klip.

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    Stephen Yates

    Hi Arthur, thank you for sharing this idea. Sending notifications would be very useful.

  • 0
    Stephen Yates

    Erik, that is an interesting idea. I will raise if for consideration.


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    Admin SAT-7

    Telegram. They have an API, even though it is limited in some areas. Count msg receive or new users for example. 

  • 0
    Stephen Yates

    Thank you Christos, I added Telegram to our list of services to investigate.

  • 3
    Liam W

    Google Adwords Keyword Planner (https://adwords.google.com/KeywordPlanner)

    I'd like to get present and historical keyword search volume for specific keywords. This is an important metric to track, because it helps you more accurately attribute declines in visitors to your landing page. If you see a decline in visitors, you can look at keyword search volume trends to see which keywords might be responsible for the decline.

    Here is the API documentation to access monthly search volume (https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201601/TargetingIdeaService.MonthlySearchVolume). In Google Adwords API version 201601, the MonthlySearchVolume API service is found under the TargetingIdeaService category.

  • 2
    Mark Peter Fejes

    Hey! It would be really helpful if we could create an empty datasource with no data in it from the API! 

    We'd like to make an API request like this:

    POST  https://app.klipfolio.com/api/1/datasources -d "{'name': 'Example','description': 'Example Datasource', 'connector': 'none', 'refresh_interval': 0}"

    Thank you very much!

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    Lisa Trumbley

    We just started using SalesLoft. Do you have any existing integration, documentation, or ways to connect to this data source? Lots of valuable stats in there we'd love to pull out and use in our Dashboards.


  • 3
    Lisa Trumbley

    I would also love to see connections for Bing Ads, and LinkedIn Ads.

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    David Bell

    Caspio. They have a REST API, but since it's limited to 1000 rows per API call, Klipfolio can't access large tables in Caspio.  This would be a big improvement for us. 

  • 0
    Stephen Yates

    David, unfortunately we are limited by what Caspio offers, and they do not seem to offer any pagination options

  • 2
    Stephen Yates

    Lisa, Bing Ads and LinkedIn Ads are on the roadmap and we will be adding those as integrated services. 

    SalesLoft does not have an API for us to connect to but they do allow you to export and email analytics reports. You could set it up to send email reports on a schedule. Here are instructions on creating a data source from an email attachment.

  • 0
    Will Dawoodi

    Can we integrate with Segment and Heap Analytics?  Is that possible?  

  • 0
    Stephen Yates

    Hi Will, yes it is possible to integrate with Segment's API using a REST/URL Connector. Our support team can help you setup the connection. You can bring data from Heap Analytics using email reports or a SQL database connector. It may also be possible to get data directly from their API.

  • 0
    Tomas Bartek

    I would love to have Klip with MCC level spend for all accounts in Adwords. If I connect through my ID and use my admin MCC account, I don't see any campaignes in the klip which should be showing the data.

    My primarily aim is to see in one report spend for all our accounts in Adwords.

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    ProfitBoard Admin

    NCR Counterpoint! 

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    Tobias Johansson

    For website performance monitoring, SOASTA mPulse would be a nice addition.


  • 0
    Stephen Yates

    Hi Tobias, you can connect to SOASTA using our REST connector and 2-step authentication. If you need assistance our support team would be happy to help. Thank you for the feedback.

  • 2
    Steve Breitman

    I'd like to be able to connect to the desktop version of QuickBooks.  

  • 0
    Meggan King

    Hi Steve -

    Quickbooks desktop does not provide a way to access the data online. You will need to use the Klipfolio Email Connector to get your data into Klipfolio. This document has some tips: https://support.klipfolio.com/hc/en-us/articles/215546858-Use-QuickBooks-with-the-Email-Attachment-Connector , but please reach out to support@klipfolio.com if you run into issues.




  • 4
    Jordan Van Biljon

    Google Firebase integration. There is no practical way without having to jump through hoops to hook into Firebase.

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    Leif Hoppe

    owncloud integration would be great as an alternative to Dropbox/Google Drive!


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    Vincent Hsu

    I would really love to have bing ads and doubleclick bid manager stats here.

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    Scott Lawrence

    Hi All

    For those of you who mentioned BingAds in this thread, a Bing Ads connector is now in beta.  If you are interested in checking it out, we would love any additional feedback.  You can sign up in the Klipfolio Insiders community via the Challenge.



  • 2
    Will Concannon

    ConnectWise would be awesome. We've been able to create datasources using SQL Server commands, but it would have been great to have been able to make easy connections and have some premade klips.

  • 1
    Sarah Berman

    Bronto, owned by Oracle, for email data would be incredibly useful. Bronto has an entire team dedicated to integrating with other vendors like Klipfolio. If Klipfolio reaches out to Bronto they would assist in the integration.

  • 1
    Mark Loggins

    Two things:

    A connection to Hubspot Email performance

    A connection to LinkedIn group data

  • 5
    Arnaud Tiquet

    Definitely Firebase Analytics. It would be great to have a connection to it. Thanks.

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    Pablo OS

    Hey, what about JIRA, probably the most used tool for SW Development teams?

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