The parameterized data source feature is currently in development.
yes, for example, we could have ONE datasource, that will react differently base on a parameter (i.e. a user properties named user.DefaultCustomerID)
Hi! Is there any status update on that? do you have an estimated release date?
This would be awesome! Any idea when this might be implemented? I really need to get access to the adwords API, and this would at least allow me to create a (less manual) workaround.
Does it available now ?
Dynamic start/end date parameters would be amazing for reporting dashboards with lots of inputs.
Hi guys, I'm having a bad time updating the data in the dynamic data source. The data is successfully filled when I'm creating it, with a proper variable value. But it is never updated, doesn't matter whether I change the variable's value and refresh myself the data source or change in a drop down list or in a button. Thanks
Looks like this has been implemented: use {props.variable_name} in the datasource
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