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    HeroBase A/S Admin
    Here in Denmark we use iso-8601 for week numbering, which means that 2016-01-01 - 2016-01-03 is week 53 and that week 1 starts 2016-01-04. No matter what I try I can't make date_unitvalue return a value matching that numbering scheme. I had hoped that DATE_UNITVALUE( DATE( 2016.01.01, "yyyy.MM.dd"), week, Thursday) whould work, since the rule is: Week 1 is the week containing the first thursday of the year.
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    Peter Backer
    Yes please, we need this urgentie! May even be critical to decide for no/go continuing Dashboarding with KF for some of our clients who live in iso week presentations every day.
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    Stephen Friend
    Agreed with the need for this... or a work around to achieve the same thing. Any input from Kentico support?
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    Onetomarket Admin

    Yes. My client just ask why the weeks aren't syncing up correctly with their internal system CRM system.

    We also need this for a usable dashboard.

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    Meggan King

    Hi - We have released an option at the company level which should allow you to select your locale and access this option:



    This new feature will support iso-8601 weeks. Can you try this?

    - Meggan

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