Provide way to add an existing Klip (from Library) to a new multi-component Klip

Multi-component Klips can be built from scratch, with all new Klips as child components. My idea is to allow a pre-existing Klip to be included in a new Multi-component Klip.

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    Klipfolio Support Official comment

    With Release 27 in June, you can approach this 2 ways.

    1) Use your existing Klip as the starting point for the multi-component Klip. Edit your Klip and start adding more components. You can also move the existing components around with the others.

    2) Copy components from existing Klips into a new Klip to add as one of many components. Open the existing Klip. Right click on the component therein, and Copy it. Then go into the Klip where you want the content from the first Klip and right-click to Paste the component in the new Klip.

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