Feature to allow code comments to be added
Hi Everyone,
We recently released this feature. When you use the type-in formula bar, you are now able to insert comments into the formulas. Check out the Tips for using the formula bar article in our knowledge base.
// this is a single line comment
/* This is a multi
line comment */Thank you for supporting this feature!
Hi Richard,
Thanks for contributing! Can you provide some additional context? Where were you asking for the option to allow code comments?
Within the Klip editor code builder view.
I was working on a complex table Klip recently that had a number of different switch statements and it would be good to insert a comment before each switch statement to remind me what each one was doing.
Hi Richard,
Thanks for the additional context. Sounds like you are wanting to put comments in long formulas to simplify your ability to read and interpret them in the future. I will add this as a feature request and add your name to it for additional context.
This feature sounds useful to me too.
Being able to comment out lines of code or entire functions, would make it easier to play around with the different functions. Now I would type a section and copy paste it to another field in a klip to alter the code without loosing information.
Thanks for your additional use case, Matthias. I will add this to the feature request and add your name as well.
Thank you implementing the code commenting!
One thing: It appears that a commented out variable (!variable) linking to a calculation that throws an error, will still break the function.
Hi Matthias,
Great to hear you are using the functionality.
I'd like to better understand your concern. Can you share more context around what you are doing and the experience? It would also really help to see an example of your formula.
It seems like the last inline comment cannot be after a final bracket. Referencing a column with the formula as in the first picture works. Referencing a column with the formula as in the second picture throws an error.