We cannot directly obtain this information from Twitter as it does not allow access to historic data. However, we can fetch it from some third party services.
In this post I'll show how this information can be retrieved through Twittercounter.com's API
API documentation
API- http://twittercounter.com/pages/api
It requires signup for API key
Limit- The API is rate limited to 100 calls per hour.
Example Request and Response
"version": "1.1", "username": "Klipfolio", "url": "http://www.xyz.com", "avatar": "http://ab.com/profile_images/{id}/twitter.jpg", "followers_current": 123456, "date_updated": "2016-03-29", "follow_days": "123", "started_followers": "123457", "growth_since": 123457, "average_growth": "1234", "tomorrow": "1234567", "next_month": "123456", "followers_yesterday": 1234567, "rank": "2", "followers_2w_ago": 1234567, "growth_since_2w": 12345, "average_growth_2w": "12345", "tomorrow_2w": "1234567", "next_month_2w": "1234567", "followersperdate": { "date2011-04-16": 1234567, "date2011-04-15": 1234568, "date2011-04-14": 1234569, "date2011-04-13": 1234571, "date2011-04-12": 1234572, "date2011-04-11": 1234573, "date2011-04-10": 1234574, "date2011-04-09": 1234575, "date2011-04-08": 1234576, "date2011-04-07": 1234577, "date2011-04-06": 1234578, "date2011-04-05": 1234579, "date2011-04-04": 1234581, "date2011-04-03": 1234572 }, "last_update": 1234567890
You can further connect it to Klipfolio through Web Accessible Resource Connector