
You can connect to Apsis in Klipfolio using basic http authentication.

Connector Type:

Web Accessible Resource

API Documentation:

APSIS API documentation

Get your APSIS data in Klipfolio Dashboard

To start your data source creation process, use the Web Accessible Resource connector in Klipfolio Dashboard. 

Anatomy of a APSIS query in Klipfolio Dashboard

This is what a typical APSIS API query looks like in Klipfolio Dashboard, however, you can also build your own query:


  • event/v1/all: API method. In this example to get Events
  • api.anpdm.com: endpoint URL
  • abcdfeklsdajg: the api key






The format of API request is:


Where "API_KEY" is your key and "API_METHOD_URL" is the URL to the API method you are calling.

All API methods are listed here


Data Format

Set it to XML.



Authentication Type

APSIS uses Basic HTTP Authentication

Under Authentication Type select Basic HTTP Authentication

Under Username pass the API key

Keep the Password blank



  • 0
    Awais Munir

    It's easy to connect to Apsis, but are you able to create any useful Klips? Their API is not very easy to work with, and even a simple table Klip with Sent date, Email list name, Subject, # sent, # opens and # clicks is impossible to create. Or have I missed something?

  • 0
    The Data Girl

    Hi Jorn,

    You are right, I was trying to get Newsletter list with se.api.anpdm.com/v1/newsletters/all query but it keeps returning 400 error saying Id must not be zero. If I give Newsletter ID, but that too fails. I am playing around with their API. I will post here what I find out.

    Were you able to pull newsletters ? Do you need to permissions to access certain endpoints in Apsis API?


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