Feature request: Setting dashboard variables from URL


We want to send our clients links to dashboards / sets of dashboards with a specific daterange, so our consultants can comment on the static view.

Unfortunately this does not seem to be possible at the moment without adding unnecessary extra dashboard tabs on the top for every edited variable (through the permalink functionality).

We've tried to use javascript with setDashboardProp() embedded in klips, but this doesn't seem to work either.

It would be nice to be able to create URLs such as app.klipfolio.com/?dateStart=1990-01-01&dateEnd=2000-01-01 which would set the correct values.




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    Stephen Yates

    Thank you for the feedback, this is good idea and I will discuss it with the product team. I will get back to you when I have more information.

  • 1
    Meggan King

    Hi There -

    You can use variable values with your permalinks to direct dashboard display.



    On your permalink, you add param field, as an example:


    Have you tried this approach?




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    Expand Online

    Hi Meggan,

    We've tried the permalink approach a few months ago, but unfortunately this created a new tab instance with every permalink.

    However, your first link describes a tab-reuse tag we didn't know about, which works great and is exactly what we wanted.

    Thanks for your help!



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    Jeff Surcess

    I've found that this won't work for Klip visitors who are not logged in as users.  We would like it to work for anon users also.

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    Robert Manser

    does this only work for permalinks, can you also set param fields for "published links"?

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    Scott Lawrence

    Hi Robert,

    There is no current mechanism to set a variable value or pass a parameter to a published link.  As Jeff indicated, this approach was designed to enable users within your account that you are sharing a dashboard with.

    Can you share more about what you are trying to achieve?




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    Robert Manser

    Hi Scott,

    Effectively i wish to create 5 individual views of the same klip/dashboard that's using the same data but filtered by a variable that's pre-set/determined through other means( eg. embedded and controlled via website etc), like we can do for embedded klips and scheduled emails, but still has the interactivity of a published link.

    The business scenario is; a "site" report that only users for each site and can only see the data specific to their site, for a date range that they can select, and i didn't want to have to create 5 separate klips/dashboards to do this and create a maintenance overhead for changes. Also didn't want to have these users login to klipfolio to view this report if it can be avoided, which is sounding like it cannot? Which will then bring me to the question of being able to pre-configure users views of klipfolio?

    Thanks Rob

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    Scott Lawrence

    Hi Rob, thank you for the additional context.

    Are you embedding the dashboards with different parameters in different locations?

    You are able to publish a dashboard more than once and have each one representing different sets of parameters.  

    For a scheduled snapshot, you can also set up different snapshots of the same dashboard with different sets of parameters.  

    Would either of these help with your situation?




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    Robert Manser

    How do i "You are able to publish a dashboard more than once and have each one representing different sets of parameters.  " ?? This may help.

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    Meggan King

    Hi Robert 

    Are you using custom user properties? You will set your user property to a specific value for user 1, generate your published link for them. You will then change your user property and then generate the published link for the next user. 


    Hope this helps! If you have any questions, you can also reach out to support@klipfolio.com and we can help with your specific use case. 





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    Robert Manser

    Hi Meggan,

    Yes i can use that to achieve what i'm after. Thanks.

    How do you work out how many published links I'm licensed for?

    Cheers Rob

  • 0
    Meggan King

    Hi Rob -

    The number of published links depends on the pricing bundle you are on. Your success team rep can tell you if you email them directly, or send a note to success@klipfolio.com




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