SUMIF based on 2 conditions and grouping

Please help me out in calculating the sum of "Duration" which is the fourth column. The sum will be calculated for every channel individually. Along with Two other conditions
(@included = "true"),   (@live = "FULL")
As you can see in the below given screenshot. The "Full Screen" time is calculated for only 21 Fixed Channels (C - Column). Channels in column-B keep repeating, but we need to group these channels. and show the result against channels in column C which are a unique list. 

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    Parker Selman Official comment

    Hi Bhawish, 

    Thanks for the post! 

    This can be calculated with a GROUPBY formula. See below:

    GROUPBY (@channel , IF ( AND( @included = "true", @live = "FULL" ) , TIME (@duration , "h:mm:ss") , BLANK() )

    This will return a grouped list of durations (in seconds) grouped by channel, with those two conditions applied.  You can then format this in a Klip or model column by formatting it as a duration. 

    I hope this helps! 


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