Can we have a TIMERANGE function similar to the DATERANGE function? This would be useful when graphing from data sources that skip entries where the data value is 0, such as a SQL query.
Hi Howard, that's a very interesting suggestion. Please feel free to request this capability in Idea Submissions.
Hi Howard,
You asked about a TIMERANGE function a while ago, so I don't know if you still need it, but here's a formula I just developed to generate time ranges. (It's useful in chart x-axes.)
You can hard-code the starting and ending times and the interval length, or you can hide them in table columns, as in this example.
And here's the code:
// Set up an array with values running from zero to the total number of time intervals needed
// Calculate the total number of time intervals needed by dividing
// the number of seconds in the range
(DATE(!Column: Ending Time,"HH:mm")-DATE(!Column: Starting Time,"HH:mm"))
// by the number of seconds in each interval
(!Column: Time Interval (in minutes)*60)
// Add one to the total to cover both the starting time and the ending time
// Subtract one from each value so that the array starts at zero
(DATE(!Column: Ending Time,"HH:mm")-DATE(!Column: Starting Time,"HH:mm"))
(!Column: Time Interval (in minutes)'*60)
// Multiply by the number of seconds in each increment
60*!Column: Time Interval (in minutes)
// Add the number of seconds from midnight to the first time interval
DATE(!Column: Starting Time,"HH:mm"),
// Format the range as times
) -
I would like calculate a number of days between future date with today.
I am use:
COUNT_DAYS(@Resumo,E5;,NOW()) and the result is 19,043
or use
COUNT_DAYS(&Column: Término de contrato,NOW()) and result is 18,754
I know the correct result is 125 because today is 02/20/2022 and my future data is 06/25/2022.
How is the best formula?