I have a dashboard with Date range, how can i get this to auto populate with the current month rather than having to change the date range every month.
I have a dashboard with Date range, how can i get this to auto populate with the current month rather than having to change the date range every month.
Hi Bronte,
Thanks for the post!
This is absolutely possible in your Klips. One potential way to do this is to set your user input control values with a formula instead of using a date selector, and adding some formula logic so that the output of each is the start and end of the current month. You could, for example, do this with the DATE_STARTOF and DATE_ENDOF functions, available for reference here.
If you have specific questions around this, or would like a direct look at your dashboard for a more specific recommendation, please submit a ticket to our team at support@klipfolio.com, and someone from our team will be happy to assist.