Named Variables that are not tied to components or visualizations

I often need named subcomponent formulas that I want to reference in another formula.. I don't like having to create hidden components.

this would be nice to have!

e.g. $mysum1 = sum(a:a)

e.g. $mysum2 = sum(b:b)

e.g. $mysum_all = $mysum1 + $mysum2


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    Scott Lawrence

    Hi Sambit,

    We just released a feature to add additional data to your components that are just data and no visualization.  This will allow you to create your formulas in those 'hidden components' and use for other calculations, references, filtering on data not being visualized, and even for use with indicators.

    It sounds like this might be just what you were looking for.

    Look at the Properties Panel for your visualization and there will be an Additional Data button to add one or more of these hidden components.  You can then select it from the component tree and define the data you want to be included (formulas).  And then treat it like other data on your Klip without having to specifically hide anything.

    Hope this makes sense.



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    Sambit Behera

    Hi Scott,

    This is wonderful! Thanks for listening to my feedback :) 
    I think this new feature makes klipfolio incredibly more flexible and versatile than it already is..

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    Scott Lawrence

    Hi Sambit,

    Thank you for your feedback!  I will share with the team.



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    William Vicary

    Great addition, this is exactly what I needed a month ago - ended up going with hidden components but this will help - thank you!

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