Hello - is this already possible?
1 comment
With a Klips Partner account, you can set up users to have access to specific accounts (client accounts) by sharing Clients with a group. The user who needs to see multiple accounts would be a user at the partner level - restrict access to only client section, then on the client page they will have access to the specific accounts shared with them. This works very well if they access as View Only, or Admin.
We have a doc on this: https://support.klipfolio.com/hc/en-us/articles/218441797-How-do-I-give-Partner-account-users-access-to-client-accounts
The alternative method to is have users in multiple accounts with a unique email, which you can do like
mainemail+client2@mydomain.comSo it is easy to remember- use the normal email, but add the +client1, +client2
If you have more questions, you can always reach our support team support@klipfolio.com
Thank you