I am having trouble getting the correct placement and count of the bars in my bar chart. I have a feeling that I need to use the lookup function, but I can't seem to figure out how it works for my use case. I wish to select a certain property and view the number of passes there are for a specific arrival date. I started out with a simple select as that gives me the data that I need when I evaluate the function using the lightning bolt button, but when I try to use that data as the data for the series in a bar chart, it gives me seemingly random data back and not the data that went into the series
some sample data is
Seeing how the answer for others was to use lookup, this is what I came up with but it throws an error and I don't know why.
lookup([x axis of bar chart]
What gives me the proper data is
Sampled here
My bar chart looks like this, and as you can see, I have no bars in the late 2023 - 2024 section which is where this property should have most of of its data. They're all in the 2022-2023 range. Changing the property changes the line patterns around, but nothing ever leaves the 2022-2023 range