Download table content (filtered data)

I need to allow table content to be downloaded as csv. Obviously I don't want to download the entire datasource but only the data visible to me in my table component. Since I have my dashboard published I would like that anyone who can see the dashboard, can download the data they see as well. Can Klipfolio do that? 


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    Scott Lawrence

    Hi Levron,

    Thank you for posting in the community!

    When you are looking at your dashboard in Klipfolio, you have an option to be able to download a Klip as CSV / Excel 



    The result of the download is only the data shown in the Klip - not the data in the raw data source.  

    By default, this permission is only enabled for Admins and Editors.  If you wish to make this available to Viewers as well, you have two options:

    1. create a custom role with just the download permission and add that to every viewer you would like to also be able to download
    2. create a custom viewer role that includes the current viewer permissions plus the download Klip permission and use that role for all your viewers instead of the default viewer role in Klipfolio 

    Some articles you might find useful:

    Hope this helps.




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    Peter Hwang

    Is it possible to make a button to download filtered data instead of the option? (either using HTML code or Klipfolio Button component)

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    Levon Shirakyan

    Thanks Scott, that what I ended up doing eventually. I extracted that one table into a separate Klip to not mess with other data when I export. It is acceptable for now but I would really hope that individual component data (not entire Klip) can be downloaded.  

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    Brant Carman

    I too would like to see an option specifically built into the table component that would allow a user to download the data they are viewing in the table, to an excel or csv format.  The option to download the entire klip is a bit overkill and contains more information than my users are interested in most of the time.


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    jaime san martin

    Same here!

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