Hey there, i need some help with date expressions using variables on a REST Query datasources like facebook, i'm not sure if variables are compatible with date expressions, hope someone can help me.
I have the following REST https://graph.facebook.com/v2.10/<FACEBOOK_ID>/insights/page_fans_by_like_source/day?since=1522476000&until=1525064400
and i want to replace my dates since and until values for since=startofmonth($variable,2 months ago) and until = endofmonth($variable) , wich in klipfolio must be like this
DATE_STARTOF($MyDate,"3",-2) wich in klipfolio gets the start of month 2 months ago like if i have 17 April - i'll receive 1 February in unixtime
the "3" means month as the period selected in klipfolio
Does anyone know how would be with date expressions? i made some trys like this but always get error
if i just use props.MyDate like since={props.MyDate}&until={props.MyDate} it works ok giving me the 1 day default value, but i need this with more range
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