Instagram Graph API

With the recent deprecation of some of the Instagram API Endpoints as mentioned here , customers have been trying to connect to the Instagram Graph API. This is a quick tutorial to help you get started if you're still struggling to figure that out. Note that in order for you to access the data via the Instagram Graph API you need to have a Business Instagram Account as well as a Facebook Page linked to that account. You also need to have a role on that Facebook Page.

If you have those out of the way, here are the next steps to get started:

Instagram Business Account ID

The first thing you need is to find your  Instagram Business Account ID - to do this you need your Facebook Page ID that you can find under the About section of your page:

Once you have the Page ID, you will need to run this query using the Facebook Connector to get the Business Account ID:

https://graph.facebook.com/{PAGE ID}?fields=instagram_business_account 

Simply replace the {Page ID} with your page ID. When you have run this you should see your Business Account ID as highlighted below: 

Using your Instagram Business Account ID

You can now use this ID to run the queries outlined in the documentation. You will need to use the Facebook Connector to create your custom query. You will be prompted to update your permissions to enable you to bring in your Instagram Business Account insights so you'll need to accept that.

Here are some sample queries:

https://graph.facebook.com/{Business Account ID}?fields=business_discovery.username({Instagram Name}){followers_count,media_count,media}

https://graph.facebook.com/{Business Account ID}/insights?metric=impressions,reach,profile_views&period=day


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    Parker Selman Official comment

    Using the Instagram Graph API to show recent Instagram Posts

    The above instructions are a great starting point to getting your Instagram posts working in your Klips. Below you'll find some instructions to use the Instagram Graph API to return information on your latest posts! 

    Once you have your Instagram business page ID, you can run the following query to return data about your recent Instagram posts, including the image URL and caption, as well as comments and likes;

    With this query, you can now show your recent Instagram posts in your Klips! For more information on implementing this, check out this article on inserting images into Klips

    Happy Building! 


  • 0
    Oscar Rocha

    Hey Rahul

    this is a very nice tutorial well explained. Thanks a lot, it summarizes what is really important.

    I had connected around 10 accounts a few weeks reading all the new API obtaining the new instagram ID from the developers explorer tools of API Graph with the same parameters ?fields=instagram_business_account 

    Seems that API limits of bring posts are infinite limited to post  you have done after sync to fanpage because on 1 account I can bring 2500 posts in one call with no pagination and with new accounts i can just get a few like 5 or the number i said.

    well despite of it all of the accounts were were fine.

    Except for 1 that is looking weird because on asking for the instagram_business_ID   I'm receiving one of an unknown user instead of the instagram account I expected, i can search the user account and I had see that this unknown user is having the same sitepage url as my account does... but on the fanpage instagram integration space, i can see the right posts of the right account.  

    This is weird and curious, does any one had this kind of problem or know other way to get instagram_business_ID directly from instagram account... like hidden on url or some F12 code.


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    Shailesh Mhatre

    i just follow above steps and i got data for my fanpage only .

    If i tried with another account fanpage like public fanpage then i got permission issue.

    I have an one doubts about this,can you please explain this.

    suppose i have one fanpage id on another account that is not mine.

    If i want information about that fanpage id like i want to know instagram business account connected for that fanpage or not?
    if connected then i want data of that business account

    this is all possible using graph API?

  • 0
    Janice Janczyn

    Hi Shailesh,

    The Instagram API gives you access only to the data for your account. You may be able to find further details at the Instagram Graph API site.

    Thank you,


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