I'm struggling with a command that should be pretty easy to implement.
My datasource is a spreadsheet with issues labels in column A (Legal-Eco-Safety...), country names as the first row of each column (that would be my "column name") and status of different issues in rows.
I also have a user input control setting my variable for the country "ID_Country" for my entire dashboard.
What I need to do is display in my table component the information for the country that has been selected. Which means if Canada is selected and correspond to my column F, then the table selects and displays information from column F only.
It would be equivalent to a LOOKUP function that would return the column values (multiple rows) for results. like : LOOKUP ( $ID_Country , @1:1, @2:9)
What other function or trick can I use to solve this problem ?
Thank you very much for your help.