Facebook Ads API Changes (v2.12 Deprecated)

Hey everyone!

Just a heads up that Facebook is deprecating v2.12 of their Marketing Graph API on August 7th. We will be performing our migration to the current version v3.1 to support your existing data sources on August 7th.

For example, your query will change from:

             graph.facebook.com/v2.12/me       to


There are some things that we are unable to update for you and may need action on your part.

If you are still using API v2.12 please check out Facebook’s Platform Changelog for more information.

What should I know?

  • Your access tokens will be invalidated if you haven’t used it within the last 90 days.
  • Only non-zero values will be returned for Page Insights breakdown metrics.
  • Page and Post Story engagement metrics have been renamed from stories to activity. Klipfolio will migrate this for you.
  • Page Post Consumptions engagement metrics have been renamed from post_consumptions* to post_clicks*. Klipfolio will migrate this for you.
  • The following metrics will be removed from GET /{page-id}/insights/{metric}: page_story_adds, page_story_adds_by_age_gender_unique, page_story_adds_by_city_unique, page_story_adds_by_country_unique, page_views, page_views_unique, page_views_login, page_views_login_unique
  • The following metrics will be removed from GET /{post-id}/insights/{metric}: post_story_adds_by_action_type, post_story_adds_by_action_type_unique, post_story_adds_unique, post_story_adds, post_fan_reach, post_interests_impressions, post_interests_impressions_unique, post_interests_consumptions, post_interests_consumptions_unique, post_interests_consumptions_by_type, post_interests_consumptions_by_type_unique, post_interests_action_by_type, post_interests_action_by_type_unique
  • Results for the GET {account_id}/adspixel edge will be sorted by pixel name instead of last pixel fire time, by default.
  • The timestamp field on the GET {ads-pixel-id}/stats edge has been renamed to start_time.
  • Deprecated kpi_custom_conversion_id, kpi_type, and kpi_results from /{ad_campaign_id} and /ad_account_ID/campaigns.
  • The following fields under delivery_estimate have been deprecated: bid_estimate field, currency parameter, daily_budget parameter, optimize_for parameter
  • The result from curve_budget_reach field on GET /{rf-prediction-id} is deprecated and now returns map, and deprecated the JSON serialized string return value.
  • The edge GET /{ad-account-id}/ratecard had been deprecated.
  • The following fields related to billing on /ad_accounts have been deprecated: next_bill_date, active_billing_date_preference, pending_billing_date_preference, active_asl_schedule, salesforce_invoice_group_id, transactions, adspaymentcycle, show_checkout_experience
  • Deprecated pixel_id and external_event_source fields from GET /customaudience.
  • The matched_unique_users on OFFLINE_EVENT_SET_ID fields in the GET /{data-set-id} and GET /{data-set-upload-id} edges are deprecated. See Offline Conversions API.
  • The attributed_events edge and attribute_stats field on the GET /{data_set_id} API are deprecated. Use the GET /{data_set_id}/stats API to get attributed event stats.
  • The following fields are no longer returned by default for GET {data_set_upload_id} : first_upload_time, last_upload_time, api_calls, valid_entries, matched_entries, duplicate_entries, event_time_min, event_time_max, event_stats, and matched_unique_users.
  • Deprecated default return values at GET {data_set_id}/stats. This now only return count stats by default. To specify which stats should be returned use the fields parameter or summary parameter for cumulative stats such as average_upload_delay.
  • Deprecated default return values for GET {data_set_id}. This no longer returns these fields by default: attribute_stats, duplicate_entries, event_stats, event_time_max, event_time_min, matched_entries, matched_unique_users, usage, valid_entries.
  • The GET {data-set-upload-id}/stats edge has been deprecated and valid_entries or matched_entriesfields should be used instead.
  • Deprecated canvas_component_avg_pct_view from the Insights API.
  • Task-based permissions are being used in substitute for the current role-based permission in the Business Manager API.
    • In ad accounts, the ADMIN role will be replaced with the 'MANAGE', 'ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE' tasks, the GENERAL_USER role will be replaced with the 'ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE' tasks, and the GENERAL_USER role will be replaced with the 'ANALYZE' task.
    • For the Business Manager API,  the MANAGER role will be replaced with the 'MANAGE', 'CREATE_CONTENT', 'MODERATE', 'ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE' tasks, the CONTENT_CREATOR role will be replaced with the 'CREATE_CONTENT', 'MODERATE', 'ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE' tasks, the MODERATOR role will be replaced with the 'MODERATE', 'ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE' tasks, the ADVERTISER role will be replaced with the 'ADVERTISE', 'ANALYZE' tasks, and the INSIGHTS_ANALYST role will be replaced with the 'ANALYZE' task.
    • For management of Facebook Pixel, the PIXEL_EDITOR role will be replaced with the 'EDIT', 'ANALYZE' tasks, and the PIXEL_ANALYST role will be replaced with the 'ANALYZE' task.
  • The permissions, role, uidRoles, and emailRoles fields for the GET {adaccount-id}/users, GET {user-id}/adaccounts, GET {user-id}/assigned_ad_accounts, GET {user-id}/assigned_pages, GET {adaccount-id}/assigned_users, GET {page-id}/assigned_users, GET {fb-pixel-id}/assigned_users, GET {adaccount-id}/userpermissions, and GET {page-id}/userpermissions edges are deprecated and replaced with the tasks field.
  • The permitted_role field for the GET {user-id}/assigned_ad_accounts, GET {user-id}/assigned_pages, GET {adaccount-id}/assigned_users, GET {page-id}/assigned_users, GET {fb-pixel-id}/assigned_users, GET {business-id}/client_ad_accounts, GET {business-id}/client_pages, GET {business-id}/client_pixels, GET {adaccount-id}/agencies, GET {page-id}/agencies, GET {business-id}/pending_client_pages, GET {business-id}/pending_client_ad_accounts edges are deprecated and replaced with the permitted_tasks field.

Finally, after August 7th please double-check that any Klips using Facebook Ads data sources work as expected.


Let us know if you have any questions, we are here to help!


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