Is there a way we can round off the minutes of a duration format?
e.g 11:13, 11:23, 11:04 when rounded off will be: 11:15, 11:25, 11:05
Hi Geae,
Yes, first you need to convert these duration values (I assume your examples are in h:m format) to seconds using the TIME function, for example:
TIME( ARRAY( "11:13,11:23, 1:04" ), "h:m" )
Then divide by 60 to get the number of minutes, use the CEILING function to round forward to the next 5 minute mark and multiply by 60 to return to seconds units.
CEILING( TIME( ARRAY( "11:13,11:23, 1:04" ), "h:m" ) / 60, 5 ) * 60
On the Properties tab, set Format to duration, hh:mm.
If instead you want to round up/down to the nearest 5 minute mark, use the ROUND function instead of CEILING and divide by 300 seconds instead of 60.
ROUND( TIME( ARRAY( "11:13,11:23, 1:04" ), "h:m" ) / 300 ) * 300
Happy dashboarding!
Thanks Janice. It worked!