This is probably a simple question, but I just don't get it. It may have to do with the layout of my data, I think I'm just missing something basic. I hope someone here can help.
I have access to a CSV that exports one line for each of the brands every week, and appends the new data every week. The columns in the CSV are Brand name, Total opt-ins, Weekly opt-ins and Weekly opt-outs. So let's see that after 2 weeks, it looks something like this (never mind the dates, 25th should have been 23rd):
From this, I would ultimately like to create 2 types of Klip, but let's start with the most important one: a line chart with all 4 brands in it as different color lines, where date is on the X axis and the number of total opt-ins is on the Y axis.
After watching the tutorial video on bar/line charts, I selected the Date column as X axis, did a group on repeating labels, and filtered out the word 'Date' as well as empty lines (somehow the CSV is UTF16, it's coming from Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and in the data source view it's showing empty lines in between the data). The Y axis seems to be automatic, as I can't select anything there, so I thought I'd just have to configure the series (as in, create series and set one brand as each series). But how do I 'select' the opt-in value for each brand?
-edit- I ran into some problems because the file is UTF-16. After converting to UTF-8 things got better, but I'm not quite there yet. What I did was define a series and then use the function:
Where it gets confusing is to combine it with the date. When I define the date and group by it, it shows the correct value for Brand1, but shows a value of 0 on the first date. So I'm probably thinking wrong...